So far I've got 11. I don't think that's bad considering I grew up with a different 8 bit system (really, those questions are too NES-centric, there's more to 8 Bit than that).
I had to look up the american name for the game the R-symbol came from, because it wouldn't take the name i put in there. So if you're SURE of that one, and it says it's wrong; google for the name you put in
blankslatejoe: I think it's interesting that kids started to memorize the code when Contra came out although Gradius used the code first. I guess kids prefer gunning down humans over blowing up spaceships.
the edit is there because I fixed your link. bonehead. XD
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but you didn't take the test...hippy ;P
i still only have five, though
where is this from?
all i remember is that this __>
where is this from?
[/ QUOTE ]
only the best game ever made. its where I got the "" for my website domain from.
I think it stood for "rapid fire".. but I always called it the machinegun powerup.
30-lives doesnt produce a lot of results in google (excluding "30 HOT PR0N CHIX LIVE!!!")
Shotgun - it's from contra. Just about every kid in the US had the contra/konami/30lives code memorized when that game came out.
i dunno i can't totally remember this game (and generally)
this is the european version lol
and i thought we had crap translations in israel..
the artwork is mega cool tho
There's a wiki devoted to the code:
It's really a bit of modern culture now.. I mean.. I didnt even have an NES and I knew it. I think there's a band called the 'Konami Code' also.
Shotgun: heck yes the graphics were amazing. It was contra that got me wanting to make games.
Here's a webpage running through the entire game with screenshots and really bad jokes: