i always thought the human ones don't have any neck. does anybody else sees this?
the art direction is boring i must say, if it's not id software it usually turns out more same ol' and less artistic. meh
While everything is well done...
I never liked any of the player models in Q4.
Everything is so Counter-Strike.
No hot females, no cyborgs. Just the same old Tom Clancy looking peice'o crap.
For being a continuation of Q2 it is so NOT a continuation of Q2.
And I'm still bored with the whole thing and I hate that
I echo the "ho-hum" on the designs, I think even our near-future army uniforms look a bit cooler than some of the stuff in these screens. They are very well pulled off no doubt. I'm looking forward to the game!
I gotta say, I like what the Splash Damage team is doing with the franchise more than most of what Id has been doing the last few years.
Looking at the characters seperate from the environments in which they belong doesnt really tell the whole story but rather it highlights their strength over the previous Quake games because the characters don't stand up as well on their own.
My point is that the characters and the environments gel perfectly together into a consistent and cohesive overal design.
Previous quake games have always had these amazingly detailed hero characters that hold up very well on their own but dont blend well with the environment in which they belong.
Essentially, I'm saying that previous quake games have single hero assets that are very well done , but this new quake game has something most of the Quake games don't, a consistent and disciplined art direction which is a rarity in FPS games
It comes down to what you like perhaps, but my opinion is that anyone can pull off a 'wow' impact hero character or environment asset, its far harder to maintain the discipline required to not try to hit a home run with each individual asset and instead aim to hit a home run with the set of assets as a whole.
Art direction, consisten and well disciplined art direction is what people who are not artists pick up on and feel immersed more by I think so I feel the lads at Splash damage are doing a great job and I'm looking forward to seeing their E3 stuff.
hm i have to agree, that the humans are a bit too generic.. but i like the stroggs!
And yes: the models need the environment but than they realy rock (my opinion bla bla)
however.. "stupid" posed models on a black bg are always looking a bit silly
Yeah I couldn't agree more with the last few posts. There was never anything that infuriated me more than production coming along and going 'yeah we need some renders' and you rip these characters out of their intended world and present them in a way that just doesn't make sense. Just leave it at screenshots already. These are very well made.
Personally I think these look great. Only thing that bothers me a little are the strogg heads. The last two share the same head/texture...which is kinda lame.
Meh, i'd rather the humans be more discernable and unique honestly. Not every fookin soldier has the same body and face type. Where are the heavy set guys, the girls etc?
The strogg look better, but still just humans with wrinkly skin, like every other zombie/alien model out these days.
Well if it is the "Army" as it were, young soldiers do tend to look all alike, other than skin tone variations and hair color. They all tend to be fit, and within a narrow range of heights.
But we get to the Uniforms, they are so last year. The cammo is 3 color, without the digitalization. The distribution of their gear is odd, and the MOLLE style equipment looks base contemporary items. While I thought the usual "Space Marine " look was laughable, it's like now the designs look too much as Newsweek,and Time photos, rather than the DOD studies for ARMY2010 specs. ( full head helmets, weird molded boots, and the possibility of a hand nmounted weapon).
Still, the restraint is admirable and makes them look more like "people" than caricatures.
The Stroggs, look appropriately creepy, but I think they need to work on the testure maps just a little more to remove the foam latex problem. Still the use of spec maps is otherwise really good.
I've seen the concepts and replicas of the 2010 soldier getup at trade shows here at the Pentagon. It's not really impressive at all, and considering it's 2006, and they have nothing even close in production for the grunt now, i highly doubt they will meet thier 2010 transformation date.
The GRAW example is dead on to what they intend it to be. The more I look at quake wars the more I'm . I'm expecting the next Battlezone 2 upgrade, and i'm getting team fortress in new clothes.
I do like the strogg with the exposed brain and the vents/wings/antenna? coming off his back. I hope that's supposed to be a communications officer or something. I suppose near-future-human requirements might have stiffled the creativity on the humans a bit.
the art direction is boring i must say, if it's not id software it usually turns out more same ol' and less artistic. meh
they're all really well done though
Instead of a definite feeling of flesh and metal coarsely melded, the Strogg come off (to me) like actors in latex foam rubber monster suits.
I never liked any of the player models in Q4.
Everything is so Counter-Strike.
No hot females, no cyborgs. Just the same old Tom Clancy looking peice'o crap.
For being a continuation of Q2 it is so NOT a continuation of Q2.
And I'm still bored with the whole thing and I hate that
My main critique ... "Holy Dr. Who SFX, Batman.!"
Instead of a definite feeling of flesh and metal coarsely melded, the Strogg come off (to me) like actors in latex foam rubber monster suits.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was thinking the same thing....they just aren't grisly enough.
They are well done though, and it's nice to see a nextgen model not looking like somebody dropped a plastic filter over them.
Looking at the characters seperate from the environments in which they belong doesnt really tell the whole story but rather it highlights their strength over the previous Quake games because the characters don't stand up as well on their own.
My point is that the characters and the environments gel perfectly together into a consistent and cohesive overal design.
Previous quake games have always had these amazingly detailed hero characters that hold up very well on their own but dont blend well with the environment in which they belong.
Essentially, I'm saying that previous quake games have single hero assets that are very well done , but this new quake game has something most of the Quake games don't, a consistent and disciplined art direction which is a rarity in FPS games
It comes down to what you like perhaps, but my opinion is that anyone can pull off a 'wow' impact hero character or environment asset, its far harder to maintain the discipline required to not try to hit a home run with each individual asset and instead aim to hit a home run with the set of assets as a whole.
Art direction, consisten and well disciplined art direction is what people who are not artists pick up on and feel immersed more by I think so I feel the lads at Splash damage are doing a great job and I'm looking forward to seeing their E3 stuff.
And yes: the models need the environment but than they realy rock (my opinion bla bla)
however.. "stupid" posed models on a black bg are always looking a bit silly
The strogg look better, but still just humans with wrinkly skin, like every other zombie/alien model out these days.
But we get to the Uniforms, they are so last year. The cammo is 3 color, without the digitalization. The distribution of their gear is odd, and the MOLLE style equipment looks base contemporary items. While I thought the usual "Space Marine " look was laughable, it's like now the designs look too much as Newsweek,and Time photos, rather than the DOD studies for ARMY2010 specs. ( full head helmets, weird molded boots, and the possibility of a hand nmounted weapon).
Still, the restraint is admirable and makes them look more like "people" than caricatures.
The Stroggs, look appropriately creepy, but I think they need to work on the testure maps just a little more to remove the foam latex problem. Still the use of spec maps is otherwise really good.
The GRAW example is dead on to what they intend it to be. The more I look at quake wars the more I'm