Anyone know of a free or in expensive mailing list solution that has a built in SMTP server? I want add free support, no text footer, just the text I put into the email. It should create it's own SMTP server, as I'm on a shared host, and using more than five minutes of CPU time for email sending is not allowed. (that makes lists over 100 emails, sent through my hosts smtp a no-no)
So far my best bet is Maillist Controller from Arclabs. It's exactly what I need, but it's 99 bux for a full version, so I'm hoping to find something a bit cheaper.
Google groups and the like are not an option, I'm looking for standalone software.

Replies - thats another that seems to be free?
So you need something that will work from your computer? Or a webhost? I know with PHP, you can make a pretty simple interface for something like that... at least you should be able to. I'm assuming this is for your future class?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup, something that uses only my computer and my internet connection to send. My webhost already has built in PHP mail list sending, but because it's a shared hosting environment, I'm only allowed lists up to 100 users.
and the program that uses
So far, Worldcast and MailXpert seem to be my best solutions. 50 bux 60 bux