hey there,
maya/mental ray specific question here. in a nutshell, sometimes mental ray will screw up the materials assigned to the faces of a given model. check out these renders:
maya viewportmaya software rendermental ray + FG
whats goin on?? I hope someone has seen this issue before or knows how to correct it. it's making it hell to get any good beauty renders. using Maya 7 here.
Daz, oddly this problem only shows up on specific meshes (and all instances of that mesh). assigning a new material to the whole mesh, not just all the faces, will fix the problem... but it will resurface after assigning different materials to different faces, and adjusting UVs. the only way to kill the problem permanently is to re-build every suffering mesh, and that's hardly a solution! argh.
Ive had many weird things happen and have been able to fix them doing that.
Also, try exporting the mesh without materials, then importing it back into a new scene and re-applying the materials maybe?
(That is if the stuff already said doesn't work).
Good luck.