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Recall to hell is searching for Modelers/Animators

polycounter lvl 17
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legion_x polycounter lvl 17
Recall to Hell:
> the whole Modsite: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/

We're the recall to hell mod team [31 members] creating some more intensive and atmospheric game-mod for doom3, here is our portfolio:

Some of our Models:
> more models

model1.jpg model2.jpg
model9.jpg model5.jpg
model10.jpg model7.jpg model8.jpg

Some of our Screenshots:
> more screenshots

shot26.jpg shot24.jpg shot8.jpg shot5.jpg
shot23.jpg shot22.jpg shot10.jpg shot11.jpg
shot1.jpg shot13.jpg
shot34.jpg shot32.jpg
shot33.jpg shot37.jpg

Some of our Blueprints/Concepts:
> more screenshots

concept11.jpg concept10.jpg concept7.jpg concept8.jpg concept4.jpg concept5.jpg

More details:

and the features we've planned:

A few words about us...

Interested?! Well here are a few lines of introduction dropped, to let you know about us and our work. Please take a few minutes, sit back and enjoy:

We're the "Recall to Hell" Project Team creating some more creepy, intense and atmospheric game-experience for the game doom3. With our motivated 12 teammembers and about 14 freelancers we're one of the biggest and most famous teams working on a doom³ project. The Online media-press is enchanted regularly by our published news, as well as the fans who overwhelm us with positive feddback and constructive critics. So we're a very lively team, living our dreams, visions and fantasies. Sounds good, well it is!

So we are a really talented bunch of handsome members working very motivated within our contexts. But to get apart from the original game we have to do quiet more own stuff to realise our own and individual ideas...that's why we're currently searching for new creative talents - currently yours! ;o) We've discussed your references within our time and got the result to invite you this way...so don't be shy!

So we have a really talented bunch of modders working very motivated within our contexts. But to get apart from the original game we have to do quiet more own stuff to realise our ideas...that's why we're currently searching for new talents.

For the following position we still need some skilled modders:

> mapper | level designer
> modeler | animation artists
> texture artists
> concept artists
> sounder
> coder | scripter

...are you interested?! For further information don't hesitate to check out our mod-project "recall to hell" at: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/

> We offer you an interesting activity in a motivated team.
> You are free to decide if you just want to design a couple of things for us now and then, or if you want to become an integral member of the team. There's no compulsion, no force, no deadlines – just tell us and you are free to leave the project at any given time.
> Together we are aiming at the realization of a long-term project.
> Therefore we will permanently provide you with tips, detailed sketches, concepts as well as a lot of individual liberties… so you get some modeling ideas blueprints and concepts from us.
> You keep the full rights of your work - you can presentate/use it wherever you want. We only will use it for integrating in our modproject. We will also presentate your works at the newssections of all famous games-/fan-/and doom3-sites. With your name and maybe a link to your portfolio if you want us to do so.

Note: We're working with motivation and the paid attention of all the gaming/modeling/fansites. We offer you the ability to work in a team, discuss and improve your style and make a lot of people looking at your work, your name and your linked portfolio on presentating your work all over the web. But we are a non-paid project without any forces or deadlines.

if you're interested then: reply to our forum: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/wbb2/ and submit in "Jobs" a little description about your skill, expects, suggestions and of course yourself...or drop us a line via email: recall_to_hell@gmx.de

> you're able to submit your application without being registered to our forum
> please describe your skills and the time you can spend in our mod
> let us know if you've already experience by working for other mods before
> send us screenshots, samples, drafts, model-files and so on - your references are the only way we can judge your abilities and discuss it within the team
> please leave a contact address (like email). To give us the possibility to reply to your application...

don't be shy...;o) - later, legion_x

> Greetings, Legion_x [Reca|| to he||]


+++ "Reca|| to he|| - ascent of blood and steel" +++
the most intensive doom³ singleplayer campaign
making doom³ as you useless expected it then - check our mod
we're still searching for talented and motivated members to join

> Modsite: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/
> Forum: http://recalltohell.d3files.com/wbb2/
> eMail: recall_to_hell@gmx.de
> IRC: de.quakenet.org | channel: #recalltohell
> ICQ: 314-771-156
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