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Freelance job board?

polycounter lvl 18
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KRakarth polycounter lvl 18
As brought up in this post http://boards.polycount.net/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=114671&Main=114378#Post114671

Should Polycount have a separate Freelance job Board? By this I mean a board where companies put out for paid freelance work - either short term contract or piecework.

I feel that with the growing reputation of the Polycount forums and the number of artist both New and experienced that Polycount should have a place for this kind of board. This is already a great place to find talent if your an employer and a great place to find work if your an artist. With the growth in the market for Contracters in the industry I feel that the addition of a freelance board would be a very valuable addition to the community. I for one would find it invaluable. I already view Polycount as the premier place to find work as a contractor.

Indies, as well as more established companies can have access to talent at a price thay can afford. New artists can have the opportunity to get real work experience whilst hunting out that dream job.


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