Working on a game model here, 3ds Max 8, and using Edit Normals extensively. I'm noticing that the normals are reset when I attach one model to another. They're removed from the mesh being attached. Very annoying.
Here's a screenshot.

I have this low-polygon redwood tree that uses mapped planes for the branches/leaves, and the edited normals are essential for decent lighting.
But with this current attach problem, I can't just alter the normals on one branch and copy it around the tree. Instead I have to edit all the normals together after building the full tree, which is very tedious and a PITA.
Tried using Editable Mesh vs. Editable Poly, collapsed stacks vs. leaving the Edit Normals present (on the attachee), attaching via an Edit Mesh or Edit Poly mod, using the Collapse utility. Problem also occurs when copying elements within the same mesh... copied-element's normals are reset.
I'm running out of options, guess I'm mostly venting here. But maybe someone has some ideas?
Here's a workaround:
All objects should be Editable Polies. (The ones you are attaching can have their "edit normals" modifiers left in the stack, but the base should be Editably Poly for all.) Each and every object should have or have had an "edit normals" modifier in it's stack with at least one Normal being rotatet in that modifier or it won't be recognized. That includes your baseobject. Collapse it. Pray. Attach the other objects.
Avoid undo while attaching since it's prone to crash your max.
Yeah undo is very crash-prone with Attach, had that happen many many times.
Thanks again.