Well done! Yah, val... that thread is still going here and there. Mine will probably take awhile... I think the process isn't as I thought it would be. Not as simple as Q3, Unreal or Tribes was by far. I think there was a recent write up somewhere about the difficulty of creating custom characters in new games and developers need to start thinking about having better tools for the PC mod makers and general hobbyists to get custom stuff into games. Heh, the example it used was a 'naked' skin for Alex in HL2... and it took a long time to get final into game.
It's not any more difficult than Quake 3 (unless you count the slightly higher polygon budget and the normalmaps as difficulties). Okay, so you need a .def now. Those are pretty trivial to write. The .mtr files are pretty much like the .shaders of Q3A.
Nice work, KDR, this is probably your best yet. Ever tried anything non-anime?
Ever tried anything non-anime?
Yes but noone was able to tell . I think my attempt at a General would come closest.
I will not comment on the anime topic though
I will not comment on the anime topic though
[/ QUOTE ]
Cannot... resist... must... comment...
Anime PPMs are to KDR what gargoyles are to CheapAlert.
cool to see q4ppms !!!
speaking of this didn't we had some kind of community effort about this before the dominance war ?