Well I've used maya in the past and know how to do all the basic stuff in there. Im wondering right now one thing in specific though. In Max i can creat a spline and shape it to any form, then in the pullout menu i can tell it to enable in viewport and render which shows it like a "mesh" and i can still keep shaping t through the splines vertex. then i can adjust the amount of sides and itterations on the curve. I love this it gives me a lot of control over stuff like wires or similar stuff and saves me time. IS there anyway to do this in maya i cant seem to find a tutorial on it and havent been able to figure it out on my own
so the controls aren't all in one place like in max's way of doing this, but that's maya for you.
Yeah, you can also change the number of spans in the channel box. There is also a rebuild surfaces option box.