Myspace is just one of those things...whenever I think to myself "oh, I should really get a myspace" I can't never think of a good reason why. I mean, really, the only reason I would ever get myself a profile, is to look at other people's profile pictures out of boredom.
uhm... no... a livejournal group would'nt be better. myspace is less.. .personal... more about likes and dislikes... not...dear diary....sorry... i disagree....and circle takes the square!
Or is it that part of the internet bubble again, shortly before it bursts again?
Last time there where lots of completly useless pages hyped to death also
Myspace is what you make it. Most people make it gay. I've actually met up with quite few people I haven't seen in half a decade...and they all have families. O_O
Myspace is also the center of all things wrong with webdesign. Glitter images, and stupid backgrounds that hide text. Music and videos playing at once. Of course, myspace doesn't let you edit your page, you have to use an html generator somewhere else. And friends post bulletins that are the same as spam emails.
Most bands have pages, and it's a good way to find new music.
btw: I've also gotten messages from teenage girls in California wanting to sell me sex toys. And other girls who explain they're using their friend's account, but ask to be my friend and have the sex. Sexual predators, indeed. F'in n00bs!
I had a myspace account about a year ago. It's a good way to meet chicks quite effortlessly, sad as that sounds. Unfortunately you'll be messaged by many many 16 year old girls...
580 million sure is an awful lot of money to pay for an emo kid infestation. i'm pretty sure people would pay money to have theirs taken off their hands.
I still have trouble figuring out what myspace is, as more often than not, peoples pages crash my browser >:( For me it's kinda like Deviant Art etc. I'll sign up but get little use out of it. I pimp myself from my own website thakyouverymuch.
For about two years I've been I've been on a similar network to myspace called mixi. However the major difference is that mixi is A: in japanese B: invite only.
Although the invite thing doesn't make it small, theres millions of registered users. Also you can't customise your "home", only some blurb about you and a diary. I find that in general it works much better than myspace, is very well thought out etc.
myspace is worth $580,000,000? Tom is going to be a very rich man.
I just found my high school buddy on there. Sure, we both knew I was going nowhere fast, but somehow I still feel ashamed. Thankfully he hasn't done much either it seems. I'll have to concoct some elaborate lie about my success that requires no proof before contacting him.
EQ: Sorry, Brome beat you to it. He'll be here in 2 days to proclaim his eternal love for me. He'll just have to fight my girlfriend to the death, like Kirk & Spock in Star Trek.
Um, I thought I could find everyone here
[/ QUOTE ]
Hehehehe, I would hope so!
if you mean malware bots, use a better browser or blocker. if you mean list bots, uhm....whatever...
What's this I hear the kids talking about. It's in the news everyday it seems.
[/ QUOTE ]
click me
The Daily Show can explain it to you better than I'd ever be able to
Or is it that part of the internet bubble again, shortly before it bursts again?
Last time there where lots of completly useless pages hyped to death also
Myspace is also the center of all things wrong with webdesign. Glitter images, and stupid backgrounds that hide text. Music and videos playing at once. Of course, myspace doesn't let you edit your page, you have to use an html generator somewhere else. And friends post bulletins that are the same as spam emails.
Most bands have pages, and it's a good way to find new music.
I'm not joining the group...but anyway,
btw: I've also gotten messages from teenage girls in California wanting to sell me sex toys. And other girls who explain they're using their friend's account, but ask to be my friend and have the sex. Sexual predators, indeed. F'in n00bs!
Blue Wizard Needs Food Badly
I quit and never looked back.
btw mine is
For about two years I've been I've been on a similar network to myspace called mixi. However the major difference is that mixi is A: in japanese B: invite only.
Although the invite thing doesn't make it small, theres millions of registered users. Also you can't customise your "home", only some blurb about you and a diary. I find that in general it works much better than myspace, is very well thought out etc.
myspace is worth $580,000,000? Tom is going to be a very rich man.
(cheers for the video, I put it in my profile... )
my thoughts on myspace (not my profile, just my rant)
Kinda stupid, I know. Oh well :P