Hi guys,
I know that some of you are working in the game industry, but I would just like to know what some of the other non-godly folk are doing. (and if you are one of the godly folk, where do you work.) Perhaps a post like this has been started before, but I couldnt find it.
Ill start i suppose.
I work (well, if you could call it work) as a Traniee pilot for the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) and expect to graduate in Decemeber. Why I say expect is because it is a fucking hard course, and you can never be too sure. I have had some good mates scrubbed from the course because they were not up to scratch. After I graduate (fingers crossed) I get posted to an active squadron and hope to fly the F/A-18 fighter jet. Oops, forgot to say what I fly now. For training we use the Pilatus PC-9A, which is a dual seater and a blast to fly. Well that is my little speil, and here is a picture of me about to take off.

I look foward to seeing what other polycounters do

I'm not in the game industry. I'm a graphic artist at a small screenprinting shop. We mostly make t-shirts for high school sports. I hate my job. I also do some freelance work on the side. Nothing glamorous.
And game artists are in no way god-like. They're more like sheep. Baaaaah!!!
I start working as Quality Assurance tomorrow at Funcom Inc. It'll pay the rent and give me time to work on the folio some mo'.
Canadian jets are derelict death traps anyway.
I'm slightly colourblind otherwise I'd be in training to fly CF-18s and my gf got bumped out for stupid reasons which I can't all recall.
Canadian jets are derelict death traps anyway.
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Thats a bummer. I really feel for you, my best mate got bumped back for the same reason. However, he went to America and somehow got in. Goes to show how much Americans care about their aircraft. In fact, their National Guard (Air Force Reserve) Has more planes than Australia's and New Zealands air forces put together. So if you really want it bad, go to america, if you could stand living there.
I couldnt.
Well actually I plan to focus more on drinkwater supply and others similar stuff where I can actually use my (soon to have) Master of Biology.
Not sure if it works out that way, but as I am doing the same (on a mostly national level) as a volunteer already, the chances are not bad I guess.
The alternative would probably be to make my PhD, but I am really sick of university! But the regular jobs for biologists basicly require to have a PhD, so I have to look for alternatives as the one described above.
Not as cool as a fighter jet pilot, but at least I am morally better of, as I save people instead of shooting at them
lucky guy...piloting jets
I work in signal intelligence and cryptography for the FBI.
Besides, working in the videogame bizz gets you way more chicks than being a fighter pilot. You cant beat 'em off with a shitty stick.
Seriously though, good luck with the training man. If it's anything like RAF fighter training, the fail rate is I'm sure pretty high. You should probably be studying some books on aerodynamics or something instead of hanging around this silly ol' board
Besides, working in the videogame bizz gets you way more chicks than being a fighter pilot. You cant beat 'em off with a shitty stick.
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Yeah right Daz, we all know metal fabrication is what gets'em wet
Hmmm. It seems like this thread was constructed more to brag about what the OP does than to find out what other posters do. Then again, I'm a particularly suspicious sort of person.
I work in signal intelligence and cryptography for the FBI.
[/ QUOTE ]
True in more ways than one. Hehe, nah just kidding its not all its crack up to be. We DO NOT get chicks (I wish we did) and we are really just a bunch of geeks that played flight sim too much. In our spare time we give HALO 2 a good bashin' on our 4 linked xboxs. Like i said, nerds. Nerds with guns. Sorry if it sounded like a brag, I just wanted to not be hypocritcal and not tell you what I do. Plus, i really like that photo, on account that you cant see my face.
Cryptography sounds interesting. Working in the FBI defiantly pulls the chicks more than a trainee pilot in the RAAF. You can work the whole "strong and silent" thing. Chicks love that shit!
And Hawken, good luck with the taming. I always wanted to be a lion tamer.
I'm currently a Computer Systems Engineer on various DOD contracts. I want out, a normal life in the midwest and a family.
You know what gets chicks?
You know what gets chicks?
[/ QUOTE ]
(just kidding, the opportunity was too ripe)
Chlorophorm would work, till she woke up.