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Established online rpg team seeks YOU!

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VoodooFusion Studios is looking to expand its existing team with talented people who are looking for a challenge!

Project name:


Brief description:
An established post-apocalyptic / cyberpunk MMORPG project, seeking to advance the realism of MMO worlds, maximize the excitement of PvP combat, and deliver an immersive, fulfilling roleplaying experience.

<a href="www.conflictomega.com" target="_blank">Check out our site for more renders, concept art, and game lore.</a>

Ive spent over 3 years developing this and have a 75 page game design document covering every aspect of the game.

Gameplay overview: (this is a vast vast overview meant to save space)
(Imagine Fallout, Deus Ex, and ShadowBane had a love-child)

Players choose from 3 races: mutant, cyborg, or pure human.
Mutants can change their abilities with mutations, Cyborgs with BioMods, Humans use equipment.

Players choose from 2 factions: Outlanders (wasteland pa) or Corporates (techno cyberpunk)

Character will be fully 3d with inventory, traits, and abilities. We are shooting for the high-end of low-poly characters for optimal bandwidth during large firefights.

Place your city, add buildings and fortify them. Take over your enemies cities until you own the wasteland!

Guild leaders will have tools to command guild members to specific objectives (ala Savage or Alien Swarm) which, if followed, give members merit points.

Choose from multiple skills which progress through use, not xp grinding.
At various percentage levels, feats upen up. (e.g. 35% small arms skill you can choose between akimbo pistols or improved grip - allowing better character customization and roleplaying)

Strange mutant and cyborg enclaves. Corporate-controlled cyberpunk cities. Mystery, puzzle, and stealth quests, as well as whats come to be expected as the best of breed.

Advance your guild up a tech-tree while you fight for resources scattered across a harsh wasteland.

Also included:<ul type="square">
>Vehicles with moddable parts
>Modifiable guns
>Melee fighting styles
>Hacking simulation (like BS Hacker, DarkSigns, Uplink)
>Virus and Drug crafting
>Guild tools for leaders to direct individual players in battle

There is so much more to the game that I cant list it all here.

Target aim:
Either to produce a feature complete tech demo for shopping to publishing houses or a feature and content complete working game for independent distribution.

Currently, all work is done on a volunteer basis with dual ownership between the project and the creator (for portfolio purposes). Future compensation will be distributed based on quantity and quality of work contributed.

It should be noted however, that I am working with a noted fundraiser, who will be soliciting investors based on our progress. I myself, am a former lawyer, stockbroker and forecast analyst with experience managing people.

LawMaker engine with integrated WYSIWYG editor, Microsoft Visual Studio programming environment, and asset manager.

Modelling platforms supported: 3dsmax, Lightwave, or Cinema4D.

The team communicates quite constantly using a combination of IRC chat, forum boards, and most notably a custom-designed web application for distributing tasks, tracking their progress, and managing the overall work load. If you arent able to reply to an email within 24-48 hours, you needn't apply.

<font color="red"> Talent needed: </font>
Concept artists with the ability to create ortho/turnaround concepts of humanoids and animals.

3d modellers with the talent to create "medium poly" organic (humanoid) models AND UNWRAP THEM.

Texture artists with skills to develop either organic character skins or urban architectural textures.

Team structure:

Alfred "Spetsnaz" Norris - Team leader, modeller, skinner, world-builder, graphic artist, anything else
Robert "Dirk_Gently" Christie - Content creation / writing lead
Aaron "Pankake" Clifford - World-building lead / modeller
Jude "Jag" Dennis - Web application developer / Gameplay RPG fanatic
2 additional writers
4 additional mappers
2 additional modellers
1 concept artist

As you can see, to pull off what we're striving for we will need many more talented people to join us. This should be YOU!

CONFLICT: Omega Web page or VoodooFusion Studios

If you are interested, please contact us via email: anorris1@charter.net

We know how hard it is to make an MMO. We've been at this for a long time now and have made significant progress. Please do not muddy this thread with negative comments or "just trying to get you to be realistic" comments. We've heard them all before and are working towards success. Encouraging comments are of course welcome.

Thank you to all who have emailed us with the revamp of our website. We look forward to finding quality new teammates.
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