Hey all
Just wondering,what it is you fellows play during your lunchbreaks/afterhours?
We are on abit of a drive here at the office to bond more,go out once aweek to the pub at lunchtime and get some LANage going. only prob is we arn't strictly a games company and theres only 4 or 5 gamers here,anyway just another idea.
Also I presume most of your office run quite good machines where as here the machines are pretty old, DX5 old and so can you advise on some good old school games to play over our network during lunch

Tribes is a good suggestion too and I believe it is free these days.
i usually played "puzzle pirates" a fun addictive game , loads of stuff to do , really good .
Props to you for playing!
you can play games at your work?
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Um.... a lot of folks here actually make games at work. Would it not be a bit odd If we couldn't at least *play* them?
Tribes is a good suggestion too and I believe it is free these days.
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You are correct sir
I play on SUX2BU squad server alot.
At Ion Storm, we played Unreal Tournament after work. At Legend we played UT and then UT2k3 after work. At Epic we played ... UT2k3 and UC2 and whatever else happened to be on the menu.
Here, we don't play a goddamn thing. Hrmph.
But between getting home and getting sucked into WoW or Maya or French, I play UT2k4. Goddamn right I do. Unreal fo' life.
hey actually emulated mariocart and HL2, stalker, counterstrike source were faves at my last place.
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how did you get to play stalker? Its not out yet.