hey every1, i'll take this opertunity to introduce myyself. im Martyn, from the UK at the moment i cant sleep but im not botherd because i just worked out the best game idea ever, brand new idea and its a shame i'll be wasting it on my game design module insted of persuing it

altho i'll probably take it to a production compance once i'v finished my degree. oh and thank you sledgy for refering me the the message b and replying swiftly.
anyway to my problem..
as you will have noticed im a 3d modeler but i lack in texturing, i need to get som help from my tutor but at the moment he's off sick and isnt likly to be back for a few weeks and i want to get stuck in to this. i'v serched for tut's on the net about texturing but nothing very good for free. im currently using 3d smax.. awsom program for modling and max 8 has a nice uvw wraping tool that uncoiles the map for you. anyway im having trouble with the seems on my textures , i have a program to get rid of them when there flat edges, and i can even do it myself in photoshop but whats the point if a prog can do it in a seccond. on my current modle i will aply the textur and because its a funny abgle i just cant get rid of the seem no matter how much i try, and the other problem is making textures in photoshop.. im not too hot at that ether. what im realy loking for is some kind sole to make me a vid tutorial on the whole confusing mess of crap. i know its alot to ask but i'v been at this hardcore for a few days now and my gf is getting pissed off with me because im not interested while im trying to get this done lol. but im open ears to any screen shots and pointers if you guys dont have the time for a vid tute.. anyt thing will help tbh. thank you all for reading and having a go.
sorry for the spellings and typo's it's too late for me to bother about that.
ps even if any1 doesnt use 3dsmax and they have som tips it's all welcome.
soon x
You should still learn how to unwrap yourself even if a program can do it for you. You then know the process needed, and sometimes those unwraps need the help of you the operator.