Anyone tinkering around with it? I just watched this video of a presentation Linden labs gave at Google. It's a long watch, but I found it quite fascinating and full of some interesting factoids. Apparently a woman in Germany makes $175k a year from designing and selling real estate in Second Life, and what's possible in the world is impressive. I'm quite tempted to have a play with it If I can find some time:
While the graphics are a bit primitive by todays standards, people are pulling off some spectacular stuff by baking lighting info into their textures before uploading them, here's a nice example:
This news seems to suggest that they are considering a graphical overhaul, as does the guy in the presentation:
I'd be totally down for playing and making content for this if importing custom meshes was possible, but from what I've read and seen, it isn't
I'd love for someone to prove me wrong though!
Let me know if you plan on giving it a spin, I can show you around.
oh, and I created zbrush ready versions of the player meshes so you can paint your own textures in zbrush. Just cut the texture up before uploading (legs, torso, head)
MoP: you'd be amazed how creative you can get with the primitives. I've seen some rather high detailed, sometimes cell shaded, characters. Alpha channels are useful as well. Animations for your characters can be created using a 3rd party app. You also have to consider the game needs to run at a reasonable frame rate with all those people and objects. There are lots of naked rave parties.
If you can get some more people in, we can make a custom Polycount castle somewhere, much like Sauron's fortress in Lord of the Rings. Then we can ride out of it at dead of night, mounted on hovering box-horses.
what's your SL name Elysium? I can't believe we've never met up in game!
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Elysium Mysterio (I couldn't get my beta last name back
I met up with Chunkey several months ago, but other than that, no Polycounters. I'd really like to spend more time in the world and customizing my avatar.
Then we can ride out of it at dead of night, mounted on hovering box-horses.
[/ QUOTE ]
sounds good to me. most of the objects in game are very simple. some PC talent could really do some damage.
playing with particles is also fun btw.
I'd imagine it would make some places dangerous to venture to...
Ok, I created a Polycount group, Me and Elysium are officers
I'm going to look into getting some group land so we can have a base of operations without having to pay any fees (aint I nice!)
I need one more member to sign up for the group or it will automatically break up in 3 days.
Now, when I join, there seems to be a lot of billboards. Like I mentioned earlier, there are many mature adult dance parties...which just scares me. But not as much as the furries. Dammit. Annoying yard sales. Linden Labs should really step in and get rid of the elements that are degrading the world. Too many adults are using the world for fantasy and business. I don't agree with the "buying and selling" aspect becoming so important. I visited a server tonight with the largest crowd of people, and it was a strip club. Just weird. I didn't go in. People who take that seriously frighten me. If I spend more time in the world than usual, I'll most likely become public enemy. Wonder if I can script up a can o spray paint?
My little bro plays on the Teen grid, and from what he tells me, it's much more fun. They're still in the phase that I remember back in beta. All new people experimenting in empty lands. He made a UPS truck, and a coffee shop.
The land is on a PG sim so you don't have to worry about strip clubs or scary stuff like that.
Funny you mentioned the spray paint, I've seen graffiti threads in the SL forums.
I'm trying to figure out about deeding land to the group, I want to make sure that if the group falls apart I don't lose the land (if the group is under 3 members for 3 days it disbands)
Interesting concept, but I think it is beeing perverted.
It's a conspiracy!
I thought you could import custom animations for your characters via poser... Oh wait.. Poser is used for porn...
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It all makes sense now. All those pole dancing animations.
For non-pervs, you can try to make animations using a new open-source tool called, Avimator.
So I'm assuming custom clothes would require special coding?
Rick Clutterbuck
I changed the group to open enrollment, so just go ctrl+f, click on the "groups" tab and do a search for polycount; then you can click on the "Join Now" button. I'll go ahead and make you guys officers when I'm on. When there are enough officers I'll turn off open enrollment because I want to keep it to board members only.
Once I have enough members in the group (basically one more person) I'll deed the land to the group as a whole, so it's basically all our land and we can do what we want with it. I'm against any major changes to the land topography, you'll see people who take their land and flatten it out so it doesn't match up with the surrounding land... I don't really like how that looks.
Also, anyone who'd like to contribute but doesn't feel like playing SL, we could always use textures, concepts etc..