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JGI seeks environmental texture artist

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
We are looking for an environmental texture artist over at JGIE for upcoming psp project. strong texturing skills are required and we would like to see inner city/urban examples if possible. feel free to send your stuff even if you dont meet all the below reqirements, over everything else we are looking for quaility. send all portfolios or web links to artist-jobs@jgie.com

Texture Artist:
Experienced environment/architectural/character texture artist with the skills and passion to conceptualize and create hyper-realistic, in-game and cinematic textures.

Skills Required:

* Critical: Demonstrate exceptional skills and abilities in modeling, texturing, and lighting with or without plug-ins.
* Critical: Demonstrate mastery of at least 1out of the 6 following programs: 3DS Max/Maya/XSI/Lightwave/Z-Brush/Mental Ray/Brazil
* Critical: Ability to translate, dissect, and delegate 2D/3D concepts and designs, down to the minutest detail.
* Important: Up-to-date knowledge of the limitations and techniques of developing on consoles and PCs.


* Expert Understanding of creating textures using Photoshop and Illustrator.
* Strong understanding of 3DS Max and/or Maya.
* Strong understanding of next generation console texture and mapping techniques.
* Strong understanding of creating and implementing all map types (normal, specular, light, HDRI, etc) to and from high and low poly models.
* Must have the ability to translate 2D concepts and designs into high quality textures with a variety of styles.
* Must have the ability to mentor other Artist on texture creation techniques.
* Must be self motivated, have good communication skills, and work well in a team environment.
* Must be able to follow direction and guidelines set by the Art Director and meet deadlines without fail
* BS/BA or equivalent in Fine Art or Graphic Design or Industrial Design or Related Major required.
* Must have 2+ yrs of experience in the Game industry.


* BS/BA or equivalent in Art, Architecture, Environment/Entertainment Design, or Industrial Design.
* 5+ yrs of experience in the game industry, 2+ as a Lead with management responsibilities.
* Shipped at least 1 title as a Lead Artist or 2+ as a Senior Artist.
* Possess high standard for excellence, have great work ethics, and work under tight time and budgetary constraints.


* Have an even temperament and a sincere disposition.
* Unrelenting creative drive and curiosity.
* Bi-lingual (Asian Languages)

Send/FAX resume and samples (VHS, DVD, or CD) or URL to:

JGI Entertainment
11500 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 535
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Fax: 310-734-1881
Email: artist-jobs@jgie.com


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