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Polygon Paladins looking for modelers

polycounter lvl 17
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PolygonPaladins polycounter lvl 17
We are the polygon paladins, a small, nonprofit organization about to start on our first major project. We literally just started on it, but we just wanted to throw this out there to let people know that we are filling positions and are short in the modeling department. We'll have some more information as well as some screenshots in the next few weeks while the programmer gets a game engine up and running. Thank you for your time and we hope you can help us out.

If you have any questions about what we are getting into before we start releasing screenshots of the game, or any comments, you can e-mail us at polygonpaladins@gmail.com .


  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps you should tell us some more details. For all we know you could be making Pimps at High Sea: The MMORPG.
  • PolygonPaladins
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    PolygonPaladins polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry. we have been getting so wrapped up in the game that it slipped our minds. Our game is going to be an FPS with sneaking elements to it. It's going to take place in the present day or near future and is based off of events around the war on Terrorism, but has no real connection to anything that is going on.

    This takes place in a somewhat different world than we know today. First of all, there are soldiers in the military with special powers. For example, the main character can use psychic abilities in missions like a psychic push. He'll have many more abilities than that. We are excited because our programmer has figured out how to do physics very nicely in the engine. What not a better way to show them off than with interactive environments? We also wanted to add some ninja elements to the game, but without good animations to the models, swords and advanced melee combat aren't looking too good. We can do the things in code, but we still need the animations to make things look right. There will be a small emphasis on sneaking, but we don't want to limit the player to just sneaking or just shooting. It will be made so that the player can make the game whatever they want to. So many times in games you have a set way of doing things. In Metal gear solid, for example (especially the original), if you are caught on any difficulty other than easy, you are screwed. On the other hand, you have games like Serious Sam that require the player to spam the shoot button and there is no strategy hardly at all. I am not saying that either of the two games are bad games. I love both of them. But we are trying to do something that mixes both elements and try to put the right ammount of both into it.

    I don't want to give away too much of the plot but it takes place in the middle east. Most of the plot is original, but you may see some things here and there that you saw before. The thing is, we had wrote this plot a few years ago and since we wrote it, things have come out that are similar to the game's story. It isn't based or copied from anything though and it is a little different than anything that most people have seen. We are trying to solve the best way to do cinema scenes at the moment, and with some good models, we can do a lot.

    I don't think that it would be out of our ability to model, but we understand that there is a lot more involved than putting pixels on a screen. For this project especially, we wanted to have models with a polished touch that not anyone on the team sofar can really do on their own. We are new to the modeling world, so there are many barriers that would take some time to come over like animating.

    I also want to point out one more thing before I forget. This is a non profit organization. We are making a game for the love of making a game, although we take things pretty professionally. That's about all I have for now.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Your a government/financially recognized non-profit organization? Im not sure thats what you meant to say. smile.gif
  • PolygonPaladins
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    PolygonPaladins polycounter lvl 17
    that came out a bit wrong. We are a non profit group, meaning we don't really want to make any money off of this project unless it turns out to be something really good that is worth sales. Models, of course would increase the value of this project exponentially though. We are quite capable of just about ever aspect of the game except for the modeling of characters.

    The government part that I mentioned was a part of the game that we are making. I realize that I have a tendancy of jumping back and forth between two subjects. I apologize for that. We have no affiliation with the government except for being law abiding, tax paying citizens. Sorry if there was any confusion there.
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