hey wondered if any of you have an archive with old work, (probably a similar thread pops up every once in a while, at least I remember a thread on old 3ds studio here)
just digged up some old stuff and showed dejawolf a couple of my '97 3d studio dos r2 animations, the only work that survived a hdd crash, and cd writers weren't mainstream

a typhoon submarine hidden in a cave with some terrorists stealing the nukes (the weird red at the second flic served as nightvision

star wars... thanks to the massive model library on the web and a friend with internet. the camera turns away at the end, as I couldnt manage to find the hangar in the giant wireframe view of the stardestroyer
a happy birthday animation for a very good friend, who was into hockey. and another small test animation.. the stadium took like forever to render, but 3ds didnt crash
mediaplayerclassic can run .fli else use the aaplay.exe in that zip (or just the batch file)
My very first model *snif*. Including MS Paint texture. Made with that POS med.
My first model and my first texture. Milkshape and paint shop pro. I have no idea when I made this... Some time around 2001 I think.
Some Tribal alien thing
and a cyborg
Second model I ever made and the first one I fully animated myself. Ahhh the good old days.
Wow...it's been six years since I made those.
and then tried Photoshop 3...
and then later in late 2001 i submitted one of my first complete q3 models ever
(I actually made two superior models before this but lost those and their bodies were based on ~AustiN's superman hl mesh so I don't think polycount would like those.)
I don't have access to my oldest stuff, but here's some old q2 stuff I found still on polycount
q2 coldblood skinpack (found on q2 extrimities)
Hayden q2 player model (definately an old fav of mine)
First time ever using photoshop.
December 27th 2004 adobe elements.
Second oldest saved skin I have.march 14th 2005 adobe elements(i went under the alias halo and put a lens falre in my name, hah)
Level editing wasn't really my cup o tea.
My first attempt at a character, also 2002 I believe.
I think it was another 2 years before I started taking this crap seriously. :P
weapons for a Xcom-ish game that some classmates were workin on.
Sadly, those are true to the concepts.
brings back memories. my first skin ever.
expected more stuff like from kdr or cheapalert... really oooold, palettes and so on.
anyone remember qme ?
guess the main issue with old stuff is lack of data that is left, when multiple computers and os were inbetween...
Daz: awesome, loved the SAS, we used him in terrorquake2, too. Speaking of which, noone here actually happens to have a copy of terrorquake2 ?
And I bet you guys thought I just posted here just to meet chicks...
Then I opened one of Warcraft 2's elf sprites in Paint Shop Pro and pixel-painted in a hood onto his cloak on every frame so the Ranger looked different to the default Elf
My first skin (none edited, again I was editing before with The Sims) and again, skinned before the model was done. Done for a mod before I knew what a mod was o_O. That's dated may 2001, again making me 13.
These are all still hosted on my geocities account with original dates.
Some other random:
I've just changed the brightness/contrast to prove it has shading!
Dated march 2002. I was SO happy with this at the time and now I realise I can't see a damn thing. It does have shading in there - its just so dark you can't see it.
Oh and something I've just found. I sent off for this as a kid, a VIZ trial. Complete with AOL!!11 and IRC. Dated march 15, 2002 (I was on model_design as a 14 yr old
This GeoCities account is full of Nostalgia..
Couple of my first character skins. My very first stuff were maps for doom, then did maps for quake, Don't have any of those around anymore. Got into characters in Q3.
http://www.planetgargoyle.com/vid/HoverCar.avi (omg original modeling work)
and my very first venture into 3dsmax