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Fire Lady WIP

polycounter lvl 18
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kunglao polycounter lvl 18
Very much wip in progess getting ready to take over to zbrush.Around 4600 tris at moment(all).Going for a stylized fire fighter not to serious.
1.The hair,can you advise on the back as screenshot shows it is only one sided,do i need to
add faces inside,same goes for bangs and fringe.Note most will be opacity mapped.
2.Have not added inside mouth yet,should i build complete inside or just simple plane for teeth and opacity map?
3. the model will consist of 3 pieces-female and water pump and axe..Is it ok in taking one at a time to zbrush then when done back to max and attach together.
4.Am i likely to run into trouble in zbrush with tshirt and underneath(ribcage etc)
5. Straps not modelled to back pack will it be ok to just attach the 2
6. Belt to many polys? bearing in mind the size.It will be more visible when axe is not in holder.


PLEASE NOTE- in the wire frame shots the chest area looked funny(ie-i did not feel the cut tshirt was hanging down from the breasts right.
These are OLD wires and the render to the left shows i changes to that area i feel noew the tshirt hangs better and less of a dip on cleavage.Similar thing with head i have added eyelashes (simple face extrusions that will be used with opacity map).


  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    The model looks great, my suggestion would be give her the bulky official firefighter's suit because...well in her current clothes she won't be doing much besides standing outsiding shooting water....
  • Steakhouse
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    Steakhouse polycounter lvl 18
    bare midrifts scare the fire away...
  • Weiser_Cain
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    Weiser_Cain polycounter lvl 18
    Count me in for a bulkier suit.
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    the look is gonna stay.
    but i really could do with some help with the questions please
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    As for your questions:

    1. Don't really need to add faces inside, just turn on "2-sided" in the material options when the hair gets textured.

    2. Don't bother modelling the full inside of the mouth, just a simple piece of geometry to stand in as the throat and mouth interior connected to the lips will do, then use alpha planes for the teeth with an opacity map.

    3. Yes. I'd maybe even split it into more, smaller pieces so that you can focus on individual areas in Zbrush without having to deal with millions of polys at once.

    4. Yes, probably best to make those separate objects and zbrush them separately.

    5. Yes.

    6. It's probably ok.

    The mesh itself looks ok, I agree with the crits on the costume (ie. it doesn't really make sense) but if that's what you wanna go for, feel free and make a good job of it smile.gif
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks Mop appreciate feedback.
    I know the style is weird but later posts should give an idea of what i am looking for.
    Your answer to question 1 the hair is attached to the head(infact its simple extrusions)when you say just turn on "2-sided" will that apply to whole mesh or do i select hair faces?not to clear.
    Thanks again
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The 2-sided material option will show to any faces that have the material applied.
    So if your face mesh has "Head" material applied and the hair planes have "Hair" material applied, and only "Hair" has 2-sided checked, then only the polys with the "Hair" material will be rendered 2-sided.
    The rest will default to 1-sided, even if it's attached to the same object.
  • kunglao
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    kunglao polycounter lvl 18
    thanks mop ithink i understand now.So when i get round to uvw mapping/unwrapping do i need to detach the hair and create a new mesh bitmap for it as i was hoping to have the whole head (inc hat and hair as it is 1 complete mesh) on a seperate texture sheet.Are yu saying that the hair needs to be detached and have it own mesh bitmap.My trail of thought was 1 diffuse for head,1 for body and 1 for objects(axe etc) obviously not including spec and normal map.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    oh well you can do it that way too. you can uv-map the hair and the head all on one texture sheet, then split off the hair into a separate object later if you want, and use 2 different materials with the same texture, one with 2-sided, one without.
    or you could just use one material, make it all 2-sided although that would affect the head mesh too, not that you'd really notice.
    it's probably best to detach the hair after uv-mapping them both together, i'd say.
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