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Render to texture using MR displacement doable?

polycounter lvl 20
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Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
Does anyone have a functional workflow for baking hi-res models down to game-res using render-to-texture in Max, using Mental Ray displacement maps as part of the hi-res stuff? From what I can tell, the Mental Ray renderer doesn’t work properly with render to texture, and the normal Max renderer doesn’t support displacement maps. I may just be doing something wrong, but I can’t tell.
I’d like to be able to detail out some meshes in Zbrush, and export medium-res meshes plus displacement maps out from Zbrush. Max tends to choke when dealing with really hi-res meshes, so it’s a pain to use Zbrush models with 500k + polys.
I know there are alternatives to using Max for baking normal maps, but I really want to be able to bake out all sorts of map types when baking, and most alternatives just bake normal maps.


  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    So the height map option in the map types isn't what you want? I always assumed that was a displacement map. (it's the last in the list of map types you can bake out)

  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    I want to use the displacment maps on the hi-res objects, rather then generate displacment maps for the game-res. For example: 1-detail out a mesh in zbrush, resulting in a 1 million poly mesh 2-lower the subdivision level a couple of notches, resulting in a 50k ish model 3- generate a displacement map in zbrush, so that my 50k model can look like the 1 million poly model model. 4- import medium res model into max, and assign the displacement map to it 5- bake down to game res using render-to-texture.

    This may be more work than it's worth, since I can just skip using displacement maps, and deal with importing super hi-res models in Max, even though they tend to choke Max, especially if they need to be edited much prior to baking.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    if you're at all interested you can also use zmapper to make a normal map of the super high poly object onto the medium high then it'll work in RTT as long as you use max's render, i used this method on my general.
  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks tinman. That's probably what I will do if using displacement maps is too much of a pain.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    You can use displacement maps on a low-level ZBRUSH mesh, in combination with TURBOSMOOTH or MESHMOOTH to get a mesh which is pretty much identical to the high-res ZBRUSH mesh and which renders out fine with the standard MAX renderer...never tried it with Mental Ray though.

    There are a few steps you need to take to get it to render out well. Theres a pretty good runthrough of the setting people used on the XBRUSH forums. I haven't got the link to hand as Im at work but I'll post it when I get home. I also remember running into some troubles using this method in combination with a ZBRUsh generated bump-map and it AUTO-UV algorithm but I am still not sure if it was my fault and somethign went wrong along the way as I never did get a god answer on the forums.
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