Does anyone have a functional workflow for baking hi-res models down to game-res using render-to-texture in Max, using Mental Ray displacement maps as part of the hi-res stuff? From what I can tell, the Mental Ray renderer doesnt work properly with render to texture, and the normal Max renderer doesnt support displacement maps. I may just be doing something wrong, but I cant tell.
Id like to be able to detail out some meshes in Zbrush, and export medium-res meshes plus displacement maps out from Zbrush. Max tends to choke when dealing with really hi-res meshes, so its a pain to use Zbrush models with 500k + polys.
I know there are alternatives to using Max for baking normal maps, but I really want to be able to bake out all sorts of map types when baking, and most alternatives just bake normal maps.
This may be more work than it's worth, since I can just skip using displacement maps, and deal with importing super hi-res models in Max, even though they tend to choke Max, especially if they need to be edited much prior to baking.
There are a few steps you need to take to get it to render out well. Theres a pretty good runthrough of the setting people used on the XBRUSH forums. I haven't got the link to hand as Im at work but I'll post it when I get home. I also remember running into some troubles using this method in combination with a ZBRUsh generated bump-map and it AUTO-UV algorithm but I am still not sure if it was my fault and somethign went wrong along the way as I never did get a god answer on the forums.