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Remember the wild n wacky super hyped up animator?

polycounter lvl 18
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Fordy polycounter lvl 18
Hi all

Anyone remember the crazy animator from GC Channel who made the male walk cycle video?

Well theres a free 254mb download of the female version of the walk cycle available here:


I know he got slated in these forums and the DVD is overly expensive, but this doesnt look too bad, especially for people fairly new to character studio.

Do we still think hes certifiable or has he redeemed himself a bit with this video?


  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    Im gonna d/l it when i get home. Either its educational or atleast i can laugh at this jackass or both!
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18
    I think this video presumes you already know a lot of things taught on the walk cycle DVD, so having that might help
  • SkullboX
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    SkullboX polycounter lvl 18
    "In a production environment you have say, 5 to 8 hours to do a walk, or say, a day and a half"

    Bahahhahhaha. Don't buy this crap. Just get the animator's survival kit and use the manual / online tutorials if you want to know how biped works. It's cheaper, better and you won't learn believing it's cool to spend 1,5 day on a single walk cycle for a standard human character in game animation prodcution.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    I put it to d/l and then fell asleep...
    Tonight i check it out - for jackass values.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    well if you wnat to know how biped works , read the manual, but if you want to learn how to animate, then thats a whole different story.
    I would say half a day for a basic walk cycle, just depends how much tweaking you have time to do.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    i'd swallow all his host "performance" if the animations themselves were convincing. i've only seen the legendary first video (starring "emilio G.", i'm sure you remember laugh.gif ) and the actual animation bits that were shown seemed rather sub-par. only flipped through those sam fisher anims and can you say lifeless standard walkcycle?

    in that sense he was right when stating that game and film animation are entirely different things. in the polished vs. half-baked context.
  • SkullboX
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    SkullboX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    well if you wnat to know how biped works , read the manual, but if you want to learn how to animate, then thats a whole different story.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But he's hardly teaching anything about animation, just how to use biped's layer system to do something as specific as changing an already made male into a female walk, presented as if there is only one way to do so. So instead of spending money on this, buy the Animator's Survival Kit (for 19 bucks), which also goes into detail about differences in walks (male female, cartooney, different emotions), but is much better illustrated, better written, none of the macho stuff this guy pulls and you only need one book to cover the entire spectrum of animation, not just walks.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would say half a day for a basic walk cycle, just depends how much tweaking you have time to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Granted, perhaps my total lack of in house animation experience blinds me on the subject, but half a day for a walkcycle already sounds rediculous, let alone 1,5. I couldn't imagine having to spend more than an hour on a solid walkcycle with the amount of detail he uses in his rig especially when you don't have to keep deformation and mesh clipping into consideration.

    I'm definitely not saying what he does is bad, the animations created are both very solid and he obviously knows what he's talking about. He just shouldn't. smile.gif
  • Fordy
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    Fordy polycounter lvl 18

    Thanks skullbox. I certainly wasnt thinking of buying it, way overpriced for the amount of material it contains. Anyway I already have a CD 4 training DVD by Michele Bousquet which looks a whole lot better, Though it used physique and not skin (which is what i'll be using).

    Yep already got the Animators survival kit!
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