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Ratman - Image Heavy

polycounter lvl 17
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Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
Post deleted by junkers, see below


  • charger
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    charger polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think it is very smart to post this without permission from bobo. He made the concept (and model, texture) for Iron Lore Entertainment, so it's contract work and you really do need permission. I would take the pictures down until bobo replies.

    Btw, the model looks pretty good, the skin needs a lot of work though. Maybe its a good idea to design your own ratman so you will get more drawing and texture skills, good luck.
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks, ive taken them down. I seriously didnt wanna step on anyone's toes. Hope i havnt caused too much damage already frown.gif
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately, I can't give you permission as the concept was created for Iron Lore Entertainment and they own the rights to it. The images in my published art section are from professional projects I’ve worked on. I do not own the rights to any of that work. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. Just post it and give credit of your source (myself and Iron Lore). If Iron Lore does have issues they will simply ask you to take it down. If you’re really worried about it contact Iron Lore and ask permission. http://www.ironlore.com
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Okay well, here goes. hehe smile.gif

    Credits to, first up, Bobo,and 2nd up, Iron Lore Entertainment. Hope you dont mind me using your concept art smile.gif

    And a big wave to daz.. how are ya buddy (its derreks housemate)



    Checker map to test texture stretching and seams:






    Used max 8's fur feature to make a texture for fur... due to lack of time, and i cant paint hair to well smile.gif

    High poly

    Small Avi of a really really bad job at rigging (had to learn skin in like 1.5 hours)

    Um, comments welcome guys.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 18
    hey Junkers, good to see another canberra AIE student on polycount smile.gif which year did you graduate?

    you should check out poop's website, he does hair pretty well and has a tutorial on it. having a hair brush preset in photoshop makes it quick and relatively easy.
  • EarthQuake
    UVs need work, pixel density is off... Sqaures should be same size for everything.
  • DH_
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    DH_ polycounter lvl 18
    I dont think they have to have the same pixel density, especially if you're working with a smaller map size. But I would make it look like theres a reason for different parts to have different pixel density and I would probably tone it down some as well. Lately I've found myself setting up my uv space with - head and hands > torso and arms > legs > feet. Works ok if you're on a tight budget.
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Well what methods do you guys use to unwrap, i just flatten map, then stich them back together...

    Anyone got a great way to preserve the pixel density?
  • KdS
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    KdS polycounter lvl 18
    What you do is the first step so it's the right direction.

    Once done, just scale all your clusters to the same pixel density, to have a good overall of the puzzle-size.

    Then, there, juste give more space to what you think will need more detail, eyes, hands, detailed areas etc.

    At the end, just mount your sheet as you did, but with those new tweaks.

    It's as I do, maybe interesting to hear other's techniques to unwrap.
  • aniceto
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    aniceto polycounter lvl 18
    planar map/stich everything together/tweak verts. thats how i do it smile.gif

    i also use unwrap tools from www.chuggnut.com, it really comes in handy

    i agree with KdS, just worry about pixel density when you're packing the UVs.

    it kinda looks like you just flatten mapped and stiched it all together, and thats it. no optimising or anything. i can see stretching on the character(not major), and i can see parts of your unwrap that you can easily scale up or rotate to use up more space.
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    thanks for the comments.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    junkers: you may have noticed that i edited out the "deleted" from the topic of the post, given that there's actually content here. i thought that having "deleted" was probably stopping a lot of people from clicking on your thread, and we don't want that smile.gif
  • Mitch Cosgrave
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    Mitch Cosgrave polycounter lvl 17
    Than gauss. Much appreciated.

    ATM ive had to stop working on ratman,and do a high poly character for an assignment. Ive done like 4 so far. Its so hard to define the jaw line on people so that they dont look really fat. frown.gif

    P.S - gauss: 2 more posts and your post count will be "1337" smile.gif
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