all I can say is un-interesting. reminds me a little of mechwarrior/heavy gear meets battlefield. graphics arn't even that impressive. have to wait for further screens and such to have a better idea of the graphics.
I like some of the ideas, like invisibility. And the walkers look cool. But really, it seems like DICE creating a mod of their own game, and probably charging full price. That's why I didn't get the expansion. I'm still trying to enjoy BF2 with all the patch issues. And the patch patch issues.
Btw, any good BF2 mods out where I can play cool stuff without shoving more cash in EA's wallets? I tried one that changed all the maps to night, but it used too much HDD space.
I'll take this and Quake Wars. More, please.
edit: I just watched it again. I don't know what you fools are smoking, this looks awesome.
Im still playing BF2 a lot. I actually prefer the close quarters city stuff much more than getting nailed by helicopters etc. I pretty much just play the Karkand map now.
I don't think they would recycle the Dice logo and the BF2 sound if it were a whole new game (but crap, this is EA). There is no mention of it on the PC gamer site or on EA's site. Weird.
If it is real, no matter what,it will be a buggy, piece of shit just like BF2.
I aint defending EA. It's made by DICE after all. I just think that in many ways BF2 is an impressive (but flawed) achievement. Something has kept me playing the BF series since the first one several years ago. Still, each to their own.
The video is not fake, it's real. But I think it got out earlier than it was meant to.
(of course Tribes had Capture and Hold long before BF1942 came out
AstroZombie: Well, BF2's ticket system aswell as flag capping doesn't hold a candle to UT2k4 IMO. They're 2 totally different games, played on different scales, with each games gameplay mechanic working well for the individual game - but in the end I find BF2 to be much more engaging.
Daz: Did you get Special Forces? I frickin' love that expansion pack. As for EuroForce, it was $10 - more than you probably spend on lunch - what did you expect?
As for the video...
I'm about 98% sure this is a full-on title. HOWEVER, I believe if you look at THIS game the same way you look at BF: Vietnam, you'll probably draw a lot of comparisons. (Not an engine update, just a new era, etc.)
Jay Evans is the only one, at this point, who can say for sure.
I did Adam yeah but I got annoyed cos my framerate was crappy in those maps compared to the standalone game. However, that was before I got an improvement in performance generally from more ram and other stuff, so you've just reminded me to give it another chance thanks.
As for Euroforce, sure it was 10bucks, but this is the first time Ive ever had to pay for EA games and it hurts. :-) Still, can't think of anything else I might be buying except perhaps Spore. But what did I expect? I had hoped that the maps would be more fun to be quite honest.
oops, beat me to it.
Daz, if you have MSN add me stormvermin72(at) . I play the xpack often with a few coworkers, we should throw down.
Mmm Mechwarrior 5... *droolz*
Ive had tons and tons of problems trying to play the game on an assortment of machines as well, random crashes, bugs, etc, and most of the time havn't gotten it to work. Glad it works for you!
But the "ring around the rosie" gameplay does frustrate me at times. That's why I like the Kirkland map. More of a front line approach. I remember there was a tiny mod that converted maps to have linked flags which must be captured in order...but it was early beta.
But yeah, I totally understand how you might feel that EA tend to deem it acceptable to use their customers as QA and I agree. But at the same time, I do think that it's very hard to release a large in scope mutiplayer PC game that is virtually bug free, even with adequate QA and testing before release. There are just so many variables and vast combinations of hardware in PC gaming. I can't think of a very solid multiplayer experience that was at its best out of the box, as opposed to a few patches later, but perhaps there are some out there.
Sure Adam ( and Ely If you're up for it) I'd be up for playing. I can honestly say that apart from WoW (now cold turkey and account cancelled) I have not had more fun and immersion in a videogame than an intense Karkland (kirkland, karkand, whatevers ;-)) battle.
Im still playing BF2 a lot. I actually prefer the close quarters city stuff much more than getting nailed by helicopters etc. I pretty much just play the Karkand map now.
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Same here, but I like some of the Tank Centric maps. aircraft are nothing but a way to get cheap kills,which is why I tend to sit a lot of AA emplacements to ru9in some zoomie's day.
Found good servers such as Special Frog Unit out of Quebec, and "The Filthy 13". Love MF2. I wish there were mor emaps, and an easier time of using custom maps on servers. I'd loveto see Chinese Versus MEC, battles.
I wonder if this will inspire ms/fasa to bring back the mechwarrior franchise...
Mmm Mechwarrior 5... *droolz*
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I think they are keeping that XBox 360 exclusive.
I think they are keeping that XBox 360 exclusive.
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Yeah probably
Mechwarrior was always a simulation similar to a flight simulator or a tank simulator. And you could use pretty much every key on your keyboard available
But those console versions are so immensely dumbed down and don't even 'feel' like 80tons robots
Way to butcher a great franchise, MS
In regards to BF2: I wish I could go on and on about QA, bugs, and the other stuff that bugs people, but I dont think I can. It's a complicated game, any changes take time and usually have unforeseen consequences. Like any other game I suppose.
BF uses a purpose built engine, so making big changes, or sometimes even little changes takes time, testing, and more testing. If you look at Epic and their U3 engine... Last time I checked there were 59 games currently in development with it. At 1 million or so a pop, thats a lot of money to spend on tweaking your tools, and engine. Its also a lot of smart people available to solve problems, and share information. Just pointing out how they are different. Im sure everyone at DICE wants any bugs gone just as much or more than the community does.
As for Euro Forces.. 10$. This is the future. I'd be mighty surprised if UT2007 releases its bonus packs for free. As games get more and more complicated, it takes more man hours to create "bonus" material. I am guessing, but I assume the majority of that $10 is covering the development cost of that bonus pack. Other companies have started charging for new content as well. Digital distribution is only getting more and more popular. X-box live is perfectly set up to start doing this. The end of free bonus\add on material is coming soon. In one way it can bee seen as a good thing, with a company still making money off of a title you can expect them to be supported for much longer.
Obviously this is all my opinion, and has nothing to do with DICE.
What about that gigantic special controller for that one 'Mech game?
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Steel Battalion. Now THAT was a mech simulator.
Frank the Avenger
What about that gigantic special controller for that one 'Mech game?
[/ QUOTE ]
Steel Battalion.
Its not a true mech game until it requires a manual for the keyboard controls. I remember MW2 came with a card you layed on the keyboard just for the F keys. You had to press like 6 different keys just to get your mech configured and running. It was a lot of fun because you actually felt like you were starting up a huge mech. I miss those games
It looks interesting, I see enough stuff to make me want to check it out more. I also might reinstall BF2 and patch, patch, patch it now that I hear it is less buggy. YEAH making a game stable a year after everyone walks away from it due to bugs, great bussiness plan =/
The end of free bonus\add on material is coming soon.
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People said that ten years ago. People said that five years ago.
If it is legit, I'm getting the same vibe i did when Vietnam came out ... which was "I'll save my money"
I'll keep playing BF2 for years to come. Get my 50$ well worth
Mr. Evan's comments.
It's coming out.
And like I said, if you look at Vietnam-to-1942 and look at 2142-to-BF2, you'll draw a lot of comparisons.
I can't wait!
and yah bf2 is buggy, but they really did a lot of efforts to balance the weapons and everything, the patches really added a lot to the overal gameplay ( better point distribution, better balance, etc)
on a visual not though, bf2 was cool because realistic, but honestly, I think quake wars ( from what has been released yet) has a better design for outfits and vehicles, and looks more appealing, but we'll see with time...doom3 could hardly handle 4 players without lagging as hell...
I also prefer the street maps like Karkand to wide helispamfest like maps, but I also love the forest/swamp maps, they remind me of bfv, which was a blast for this ( hiding in the jungle, waiting for a tank to come close enough to your c4...yum!). I almost never use vehicles anyways, except on lan parties, when you can avoid 14 y/o dumbarses learning to fly with a full squad loaded in the chopper
And like I said, if you look at Vietnam-to-1942 and look at 2142-to-BF2, you'll draw a lot of comparisons.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not necessarily. Vietnam was developed by DICE Canada, whereas 1942 and BF2 were developed by the original DICE studio in Stockholm. I believe that 2142 is being developed in Stockholm, and that's one reason to be excited.
Vietnams relation to 1942, and 2142's relation to BF2. In short, they feel like there's enough content to not be an expansion, but not enough content to feel like a full title.
Make sense?
But I think I'll look at ETQW first, that idea seems to have come first and it doesn't involve EA. No EA = less bugs, quicker response to problems, skippable intros (!), no dealing with "micro expansions", no expansion content being carried into the normal game (but only being usable for expansion owners), patches that remove the CD check so you won't have to torture your CD drive for long, price drops faster, etc.
I would too, second the suggestion for the compensated Sniper rifle without body wobble, and with specialist ammunition. Also all weapons having improved, or predictive sight technology. (calculates the lead of a running or moving target for the shoter, like aviation sights do), and all Soldiers having some anti-armour capability, and Engineers being able to disarm enemy mines (including sniper's claymores). I'd also support maybe flewer classes, but more individual flexibility,but then again, maybe not
More maps would be great in BF2...I've yet to get the expansion pack but I just may have to throw down if they're any good.
For me the technology level they demonstrate seems more 50 years away, not 150 years.
From the press release microsoft made about increasing pc game production, hopefully they will make a mechwarrior 5 for it (and improve it, not dumb it down like last time).
Sledgy: Think Plasmagun or Hyperblaster. There is no way to explain weapons with these gameplay functions in a realistic scenario but they don't seem too far fetched. Or Obelisk of Light/Tesla Coil style defense systems.
The first public screen shots: