ok here is the deal, i wanted to make a car after a long while (zmodeler,gta3 was the last time), but i cant find a good way to boxmodel this car ( simple tuts do not apply, for this car being far more complex)
so i tried edge pulling my way into this model, but i really cant stand editable mesh
( and edge pulling)
so could any one point me to a <u>good</u> tut? thx in advance.
well here is what i got so far ( ugh, it sux
and this is what the car looks like:
SLR SEXY! ( and yes ive got refs/blueprints )
Sounds like you are asking for a tutorial for how to make a car, well the honest answer is that if you can box model a hand, or a head, or an arm you can box model a car. The technnique doesn't change, just the nunmber of operations.
If it's a game resolution ( you mentioned GTA ) car you're building, then as Vailias suggests you don't really need a tut I wouldn't have thought. Were not talking about a gazillion polys here. If it's a high resolution subdivision model of a car, try somewhere like cgtalk for a tut. Im sure I've seen some on there.
I model cars for a living and I have honestly never started a car from a box, I have always found it too restrictive and prefered the edge extrusion method. I think the source of your frustation darkshadow, is that you are getting into too much detail too early. The best approach to me and any colleage I ask, is to rough the car out as Daz said up there and detail later. You only want the general identifiable shape of the overall car at first. Then come the vents, mirrors, light cutouts etc.
Hope that helps