Say hello to the newest member of the Her Interactive team, me

I'll be doing pre-rendered enviromental art. So no restrictions on poly counts or texture sizes. Well at some point render times play start to create problems but with my poly miser background I doubt that will be an issue.
And yes those are actual Barbie doll ashes in the urn in their conferance room (I asked). They may make "chick" games but they don't like pink and fluffy.
Congrats... sounds like a cool gig
A hint for getting along with women in the workplace:
They LOVE it when you snap their bra-straps! Go ahead! Try it!
Woohoo! Congrats!
A hint for getting along with women in the workplace:
They LOVE it when you snap their bra-straps! Go ahead! Try it!
[/ QUOTE ]
How do you think I got the job =P
Thats where I wanted to work!
Congrats! You deserve it after all those years of taking support calls.
-DK =^..^=
@notman I'm not sure, but I don't think Nancy Drew corners the market for girly games
grats dude.