They are proposing that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) investigate the usage of video game media, and it's impact on people. What's wrong with these two boneheads?
Um, concerned about the gameplaying population?
And please if youre gonna call anyone retarded pick someone obviouly is retarded. Clinton is far from stupid.
I can see it now guys in white lab coats playing video games all day. While other guys in biohazard suits watch them play the games while they write down notes.
I can see it now guys in white lab coats playing video games all day. While other guys in biohazard suits watch them play the games while they write down notes.
[/ QUOTE ]
and they can PLAY biohazard while in biohazard suits, if that doesnt create an atmosphere i dont know what will
If they are retarded, Bush and Cheney are brain dead ... sorry, did I just state the obvious?
[/ QUOTE ]
Only if you're speaking of yourself as well...
And don't turn this into a political debate. I'm simply stating that games do not adversely affect people like these two nit wits think. They are just like Jack Thompson. They can't accept that a lot of people are horrible parents, so they are blaming games on their kid's bad behavior. And in the end, because of fools like these, games will be federally regulated.
Only if you're speaking of yourself as well...
[/ QUOTE ]
That falls right in with "I know you are but what am I."
Sorry pal, but you made this a political thread, not me. Look at your thread title and try and argue otherwise. So you think that looking into the effects of violent video games in children is automatically a bad thing? I guess it is better to just support or deny the issue than do some actual research into it, eh?
Yes, because they definitely want the CDC to spend ALL of their money on this and ignore other things. I mean, that is what it states in the article, right?
I agree though, the dems should not try and appeal to the idiot majority. Unfortunately, the idiot majority is who got our present leaders elected in the first place.
The topic isn't my overall opinion of them. It's how I think of them, concerning THIS topic. Clinton has good opinions on other things.
Now, research is good and dandy, yea. But videogames? Wasting my tax dollars to research this? Come on.
Do you know that if you actually read up on second-hand smoking, you'll find that there is 100% NO FACTUAL data that it causes cancer? It's true. The CDC spent millions researching it. After a several year study, they concluded that it's 'possible' that it causes cancer, but that it could not prove it. The media has blown up that 'possible' chance, and made it into a fantasy fact.
That media twist spurred a huge panic, and cost many bussineses millions of dollars. A lot of places actully had to shut down after being forced into a smoke-free environment. They simply lost too many clients.
Was the research worth it? Millions spent on research, millions lost from businesses. And all for a false fact, or possibility.
It's POSSIBLE that monkeys can fly out of my arse, but does it happen? No.
And if the CDC comes back and says "it's possible that games cause severe mental instability". What then? Outlaw videogames? Require a mental screening before you ever touch a video game controller?
There are times when things get pushed too far. And I feel that the attack on video games has gotten to that point. Games are NOT the problem. It's the parents, and thier inability to raise their child. If your kid kills someone after playing GTA, they were f'd up to begin with, and you failed as a parent.
I don't expect you to get this right away, so let me explain. We do not have enough money or resources to deal with these serious diseases (video games are not a disease, you may have noticed), not to mention what terrorists are putting together to surprise us, so why would they spend even a single dollar on a worthless study like this? What are they going to do? Ban video games? They can't, it's against the constitution.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to anything that might question something I love as being a bad thing.
I can guarentee you that I will be policing the games that my kids are allowed to play as well as limiting the amount of time they spend playng them. There are definitely some games that are not appropriate for children, it is a shame that the government feels the need to step in and take charge for parents who do not take an interest in their children's lives.
If you are really that concerned about where your tax dollars are going, I can guarantee you they are being wasted more in other places than on the CDC. In fact, I would bet that the amount of money put into the CDC is a pittance in comparison to the other places the government is wasting our money.
I just found this out... the average american is as dumb as stump when it comes to video games. They know what they are told by TV, and TV sees us as competion so tells them all that video games are evil and make good little kids kill. People that are in power know how stupid people are and use that to stay in power by playing to the masses.
Cliton and Lieberman are not stupid, they just dont give a fuck about anything but staying in power. They will do what ever they think will give them good PR so that no one will see that they are doing other shit we wouldnt like. So what the CDC doesnt have the extra funds and manpower to do this. All that matters is that all the dumb people get what they are told they want.
I just found this out... the average american is as dumb as stump when it comes to video games. They know what they are told by TV, and TV sees us as competion so tells them all that video games are evil and make good little kids kill.
[/ QUOTE ]
When I was a little kid, I was working in the yard with my family one miserable sunny weekend. My brother was watering the lawn while I weeded the garden. A daddy longlegs managed to crawl on me. It scared the shit out of me! I didn't like spiders, you understand, and wasn't aware that a daddy longlegs wasn't actually a spider at the time ... but then I think that may have been irrelevant. Spider! Augghhh! I screeched like a leetle girl and danced around, demanding that my brother spray the offending arthropod from my body with the hose. Happy to receive a mandate for this minor watery assault on my person, he did ... and the family gathered around to find out what the hell was wrong with me.
I felt kind of stupid by then, and wasn't about to admit that a harmless little critter set me a-screamin'. So I exaggerated the truth just *slightly: I said that a GIANT SPIDER!! had gotten on me. Bigger than a tarantula! Hairy! With visible teeth and evil glowing red eyes! Good thing my brother acted so quickly with the hose, huh?
The media was going apeshit over Dungeons and Dragons at the time. You can probably fill in the rest. The great Giant Spider Hallucination of Nineteen Eighty Whatever Year It Was, was direct and irrefutable evidence that Dungeons and Dragons impels innocent children toward devil worship and insanity. From that day, possession of D&D material was considered a crime in my household, punishable by confiscation and destruction of the offensive material followed by grounding.
I'm just sayin' ... preach on, brother Thegodzero.
If they are retarded, Bush and Cheney are brain dead ... sorry, did I just state the obvious?
[/ QUOTE ]
Um... have you been paying attention to politics lately? I mean, I'm not saying your commentary of Bush and Cheney is far off -- I think it's spot on, actually -- but the DNC needs to disown Lieberman. The man is indeed retarded. He is a tool. He has supported the administration on just about every issue (the war, Sam Alito, the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens) in a pathetic and transparent attempt to appear to be a "centrist." The man is a shyster, and you should have no desire to defend him. Hillary is a different story, but I'm not particularly fond of her either.
Do you know that if you actually read up on second-hand smoking, you'll find that there is 100% NO FACTUAL data that it causes cancer? It's true. The CDC spent millions researching it. After a several year study, they concluded that it's 'possible' that it causes cancer, but that it could not prove it. The media has blown up that 'possible' chance, and made it into a fantasy fact.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh jesus, you've been talking to John "tobacco checks" Boehner, haven't you?
They can't, it's against the constitution.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know the US constitution, but any modern constitution has the possibility to restrict certain rights stated within the constitution if the intervention is based on another law, if it is within public interest and if it is proportional.
So it is possible to do things that are "against the constitution" the way you meant it.
They can't, it's against the constitution.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know the US constitution, but any modern constitution has the possibility to restrict certain rights stated within the constitution if the intervention is based on another law, if it is within public interest and if it is proportional.
So it is possible to do things that are "against the constitution" the way you meant it.
[/ QUOTE ]
In our governmental system, we do have the ability to limit or revoke certain rights through the process of amending the Constitution (prohibition during the 1920s is a prime example of this), but the first amendment (which guarantees "freedom of expression") is a part of our Bill of Rights. The rights granted in our Bill of Rights can't be touched, since the Bill of Rights was one of the conditions on which our Constitution was ratified (so to revoke one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights would invalidate the entire document).
"Cliton and Lieberman are not stupid, they just dont give a fuck about anything but staying in power."
Clinton isn't in power anymore.
Why focus on video games? Why don't they look at the violent lyrics and demeaning attitudes toward women in rap music and that effect on young males and females. Why not look at all media for that matter what about "Girls gone wild" clearly that video series just encourages young men to objectify women. Where does this line of research stop?
It seems like a slipperly slope toward federal censorship.
You know, I'm not sure what the democrats think they are doing. John Kerry? The guy looks like a freak! He can't even give a coherent speech. They could have picked almost anybody and won, but they had to pick a circus sideshow.
I want them to win, but they keep reacting to what the republicans are doing instead of coming up with a real strategy. They think they can get the "moral high ground" with this video game thing, but in reality it just proves to everybody that they are a bunch of liars, just like the republicans.
It seems obvious that they could get a lot more support if they acted like they had some ethics or morals, and did things based on it being a good long term plan rather than what they think sounds good to the majority in the short term. By reacting to polling information the democrats have totally missed out on the fact that most people want to be told what to think.
The Republicans are going to run Condi Rice in the next election I think, just to cut into the black and women voting blocks that usually vote democrat. They know they are going to have to do something radical to win again since everybody hates how the government is being run now. Of course Condilizza Rice is "one of them" and if she wins it will be another four years of robbing the coffers.
On a side note, in the next five years, especially if the democrats get elected, I think we are going to enter into a crushing depression. As the Chinese economy begins to eclipse ours, the dollar will fall, causing all this new Bush debt to hit us hard. It won't help that Ben Bernenki (sp?) doesn't have the chops to do much about it. I heard the other day that more new debt has been created under Bush than all the previous presidents combined. That is like taking out 5 payday loans on for the same check. It works okay for today, but come payday you have some serious problems.
John Kerry? The guy looks like a freak! He can't even give a coherent speech. They could have picked almost anybody and won, but they had to pick a circus sideshow.
[/ QUOTE ]
John Kerry is quite verbose and long-winded, but his speeches are very coherent (especially when compared to the competition ). I think the only reason Kerry won the nomination was due to Howard Dean's "EEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" incident ... if it weren't for that moment of public self-humiliation, I think Dean would've been a much stronger candidate than Kerry. Oh well.
As for your criticism of the Democratic party, I don't think it's fair to criticize the entire party due to the action of three senators. Especially Lieberman, that guy is a joke. I agree that these three senators are just shamelessly trying to find a "hot button" issue to get votes, but I don't think it's a party-wide issue.
The Republicans are going to run Condi Rice in the next election I think, just to cut into the black and women voting blocks that usually vote democrat.
[/ QUOTE ]
I doubt it. As sexist as it is, it would be an uphill battle for any woman . Mother Teresa could be resurrected from the dead and run for president, and even she would have a hard time winning the Presidency.
On a side note, in the next five years, especially if the democrats get elected, I think we are going to enter into a crushing depression. As the Chinese economy begins to eclipse ours, the dollar will fall, causing all this new Bush debt to hit us hard. It won't help that Ben Bernenki (sp?) doesn't have the chops to do much about it. I heard the other day that more new debt has been created under Bush than all the previous presidents combined. That is like taking out 5 payday loans on for the same check. It works okay for today, but come payday you have some serious problems.
[/ QUOTE ]
We'd be in a crushing depression right now, if it weren't for the billions of dollars a day that we're borrowing from foreign countries (China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc). It's like we're a person making minimum wage who just bought a new Ferrari on an "interest only" loan... that's how the country is being run right now. And if China calls in that debt, we're going to be in a world of hurt, regardless of who is President -- Democrat or Republican. The way the country is being run right now (basically, cutting taxes and spending money like CRAZY, and then taking out foreign loans to pay for it all) is not sustainable, and it is going to cause problems in the future.
I gotta be apathetic on this one, the video game industry is still a relatively new form of entertainment, and people always get all uppity about anything new, whether it be music, comic books, the teletubbies, does it ever really get them very far? No.
And politicians sure like throwing our cash away sometimes, but I think thats a prerequisite of being a politican.
BTW i find it rather amusing how you start to complain about some 100mil research while ex army generals and such get billions worth of military contracts with insane profit margins.
Or is it because most americans actually buy this terrorist bullshit?
Well, I complain about everything but it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. I think there won't be a whole lot of debate on the bogus "no bid" contracts awarded, because everybody is pretty pissed.
And please if youre gonna call anyone retarded pick someone obviouly is retarded. Clinton is far from stupid.
I can see it now guys in white lab coats playing video games all day. While other guys in biohazard suits watch them play the games while they write down notes.
[/ QUOTE ]
and they can PLAY biohazard while in biohazard suits, if that doesnt create an atmosphere i dont know what will
If they are retarded, Bush and Cheney are brain dead ... sorry, did I just state the obvious?
[/ QUOTE ]
Only if you're speaking of yourself as well...
And don't turn this into a political debate. I'm simply stating that games do not adversely affect people like these two nit wits think. They are just like Jack Thompson. They can't accept that a lot of people are horrible parents, so they are blaming games on their kid's bad behavior. And in the end, because of fools like these, games will be federally regulated.
Only if you're speaking of yourself as well...
[/ QUOTE ]
That falls right in with "I know you are but what am I."
Sorry pal, but you made this a political thread, not me. Look at your thread title and try and argue otherwise. So you think that looking into the effects of violent video games in children is automatically a bad thing? I guess it is better to just support or deny the issue than do some actual research into it, eh?
I like how the democrats are trying to find their own way to appeal to the idiot majority.
I agree though, the dems should not try and appeal to the idiot majority. Unfortunately, the idiot majority is who got our present leaders elected in the first place.
The topic isn't my overall opinion of them. It's how I think of them, concerning THIS topic. Clinton has good opinions on other things.
Now, research is good and dandy, yea. But videogames? Wasting my tax dollars to research this? Come on.
Do you know that if you actually read up on second-hand smoking, you'll find that there is 100% NO FACTUAL data that it causes cancer? It's true. The CDC spent millions researching it. After a several year study, they concluded that it's 'possible' that it causes cancer, but that it could not prove it. The media has blown up that 'possible' chance, and made it into a fantasy fact.
That media twist spurred a huge panic, and cost many bussineses millions of dollars. A lot of places actully had to shut down after being forced into a smoke-free environment. They simply lost too many clients.
Was the research worth it? Millions spent on research, millions lost from businesses. And all for a false fact, or possibility.
It's POSSIBLE that monkeys can fly out of my arse, but does it happen? No.
And if the CDC comes back and says "it's possible that games cause severe mental instability". What then? Outlaw videogames? Require a mental screening before you ever touch a video game controller?
There are times when things get pushed too far. And I feel that the attack on video games has gotten to that point. Games are NOT the problem. It's the parents, and thier inability to raise their child. If your kid kills someone after playing GTA, they were f'd up to begin with, and you failed as a parent.
I can guarentee you that I will be policing the games that my kids are allowed to play as well as limiting the amount of time they spend playng them. There are definitely some games that are not appropriate for children, it is a shame that the government feels the need to step in and take charge for parents who do not take an interest in their children's lives.
If you are really that concerned about where your tax dollars are going, I can guarantee you they are being wasted more in other places than on the CDC. In fact, I would bet that the amount of money put into the CDC is a pittance in comparison to the other places the government is wasting our money.
Cliton and Lieberman are not stupid, they just dont give a fuck about anything but staying in power. They will do what ever they think will give them good PR so that no one will see that they are doing other shit we wouldnt like. So what the CDC doesnt have the extra funds and manpower to do this. All that matters is that all the dumb people get what they are told they want.
I just found this out... the average american is as dumb as stump when it comes to video games. They know what they are told by TV, and TV sees us as competion so tells them all that video games are evil and make good little kids kill.
[/ QUOTE ]
When I was a little kid, I was working in the yard with my family one miserable sunny weekend. My brother was watering the lawn while I weeded the garden. A daddy longlegs managed to crawl on me. It scared the shit out of me! I didn't like spiders, you understand, and wasn't aware that a daddy longlegs wasn't actually a spider at the time ... but then I think that may have been irrelevant. Spider! Augghhh! I screeched like a leetle girl and danced around, demanding that my brother spray the offending arthropod from my body with the hose. Happy to receive a mandate for this minor watery assault on my person, he did ... and the family gathered around to find out what the hell was wrong with me.
I felt kind of stupid by then, and wasn't about to admit that a harmless little critter set me a-screamin'. So I exaggerated the truth just *slightly: I said that a GIANT SPIDER!! had gotten on me. Bigger than a tarantula! Hairy! With visible teeth and evil glowing red eyes! Good thing my brother acted so quickly with the hose, huh?
The media was going apeshit over Dungeons and Dragons at the time. You can probably fill in the rest. The great Giant Spider Hallucination of Nineteen Eighty Whatever Year It Was, was direct and irrefutable evidence that Dungeons and Dragons impels innocent children toward devil worship and insanity. From that day, possession of D&D material was considered a crime in my household, punishable by confiscation and destruction of the offensive material followed by grounding.
I'm just sayin' ... preach on, brother Thegodzero.
a) FDA approved products they consume and are exposed to everyday
b) the public school system
c) marketing
d) there parents
e) rubber bands
If children shouldn't play mature video games, that responsibility falls on two people.
If children shouldn't play mature video games, that responsibility falls on two people.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bob Hope and Dan Rathers?
If they are retarded, Bush and Cheney are brain dead ... sorry, did I just state the obvious?
[/ QUOTE ]
Um... have you been paying attention to politics lately? I mean, I'm not saying your commentary of Bush and Cheney is far off -- I think it's spot on, actually -- but the DNC needs to disown Lieberman. The man is indeed retarded. He is a tool. He has supported the administration on just about every issue (the war, Sam Alito, the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens) in a pathetic and transparent attempt to appear to be a "centrist." The man is a shyster, and you should have no desire to defend him. Hillary is a different story, but I'm not particularly fond of her either.
Do you know that if you actually read up on second-hand smoking, you'll find that there is 100% NO FACTUAL data that it causes cancer? It's true. The CDC spent millions researching it. After a several year study, they concluded that it's 'possible' that it causes cancer, but that it could not prove it. The media has blown up that 'possible' chance, and made it into a fantasy fact.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh jesus, you've been talking to John "tobacco checks" Boehner, haven't you?
They can't, it's against the constitution.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know the US constitution, but any modern constitution has the possibility to restrict certain rights stated within the constitution if the intervention is based on another law, if it is within public interest and if it is proportional.
So it is possible to do things that are "against the constitution" the way you meant it.
They can't, it's against the constitution.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know the US constitution, but any modern constitution has the possibility to restrict certain rights stated within the constitution if the intervention is based on another law, if it is within public interest and if it is proportional.
So it is possible to do things that are "against the constitution" the way you meant it.
[/ QUOTE ]
In our governmental system, we do have the ability to limit or revoke certain rights through the process of amending the Constitution (prohibition during the 1920s is a prime example of this), but the first amendment (which guarantees "freedom of expression") is a part of our Bill of Rights. The rights granted in our Bill of Rights can't be touched, since the Bill of Rights was one of the conditions on which our Constitution was ratified (so to revoke one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights would invalidate the entire document).
Clinton isn't in power anymore.
Why focus on video games? Why don't they look at the violent lyrics and demeaning attitudes toward women in rap music and that effect on young males and females. Why not look at all media for that matter what about "Girls gone wild" clearly that video series just encourages young men to objectify women. Where does this line of research stop?
It seems like a slipperly slope toward federal censorship.
Clinton isn't in power anymore.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is the other Clinton.
You know, I'm not sure what the democrats think they are doing. John Kerry? The guy looks like a freak! He can't even give a coherent speech. They could have picked almost anybody and won, but they had to pick a circus sideshow.
I want them to win, but they keep reacting to what the republicans are doing instead of coming up with a real strategy. They think they can get the "moral high ground" with this video game thing, but in reality it just proves to everybody that they are a bunch of liars, just like the republicans.
It seems obvious that they could get a lot more support if they acted like they had some ethics or morals, and did things based on it being a good long term plan rather than what they think sounds good to the majority in the short term. By reacting to polling information the democrats have totally missed out on the fact that most people want to be told what to think.
The Republicans are going to run Condi Rice in the next election I think, just to cut into the black and women voting blocks that usually vote democrat. They know they are going to have to do something radical to win again since everybody hates how the government is being run now. Of course Condilizza Rice is "one of them" and if she wins it will be another four years of robbing the coffers.
On a side note, in the next five years, especially if the democrats get elected, I think we are going to enter into a crushing depression. As the Chinese economy begins to eclipse ours, the dollar will fall, causing all this new Bush debt to hit us hard. It won't help that Ben Bernenki (sp?) doesn't have the chops to do much about it. I heard the other day that more new debt has been created under Bush than all the previous presidents combined. That is like taking out 5 payday loans on for the same check. It works okay for today, but come payday you have some serious problems.
John Kerry? The guy looks like a freak! He can't even give a coherent speech. They could have picked almost anybody and won, but they had to pick a circus sideshow.
[/ QUOTE ]
John Kerry is quite verbose and long-winded, but his speeches are very coherent (especially when compared to the competition
As for your criticism of the Democratic party, I don't think it's fair to criticize the entire party due to the action of three senators. Especially Lieberman, that guy is a joke. I agree that these three senators are just shamelessly trying to find a "hot button" issue to get votes, but I don't think it's a party-wide issue.
The Republicans are going to run Condi Rice in the next election I think, just to cut into the black and women voting blocks that usually vote democrat.
[/ QUOTE ]
I doubt it. As sexist as it is, it would be an uphill battle for any woman
On a side note, in the next five years, especially if the democrats get elected, I think we are going to enter into a crushing depression. As the Chinese economy begins to eclipse ours, the dollar will fall, causing all this new Bush debt to hit us hard. It won't help that Ben Bernenki (sp?) doesn't have the chops to do much about it. I heard the other day that more new debt has been created under Bush than all the previous presidents combined. That is like taking out 5 payday loans on for the same check. It works okay for today, but come payday you have some serious problems.
[/ QUOTE ]
We'd be in a crushing depression right now, if it weren't for the billions of dollars a day that we're borrowing from foreign countries (China, India, Saudi Arabia, etc). It's like we're a person making minimum wage who just bought a new Ferrari on an "interest only" loan... that's how the country is being run right now. And if China calls in that debt, we're going to be in a world of hurt, regardless of who is President -- Democrat or Republican. The way the country is being run right now (basically, cutting taxes and spending money like CRAZY, and then taking out foreign loans to pay for it all) is not sustainable, and it is going to cause problems in the future.
There actually are things that games can cause so why not study them?
the US will never pay that stuff back!
And politicians sure like throwing our cash away sometimes, but I think thats a prerequisite of being a politican.
Or is it because most americans actually buy this terrorist bullshit?