So when I work on next gen crap with spec maps and junk, I usually complain about working on the spec map. I would like to eliminate as much back and forth as possible.
When you work on a diffuse map you have a decent idea of how it will look on the model, what colors you'll get etc. But with your spec it's kinda like, save file, switch to max, update maps, cry.
Anyways I tried out this workflow today and it works pretty well.
Basically your spec map should be in a layer_set over your diffuse, and you set the layer_set to color dodge. While you paint your spec you see approximatly how hot that surface will get when it's get specular, then you just set an action to switch the specular layer_set to a pass through, save out specmap, and change it back to dodge to continue working on it.
My results have been super close to what I see in photoshop while working even with colored spec, so that makes me happy and I thought I would share...
<originally I posted color dodge, but I think a linear dodge mode is more accurate.>