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Eternal Silhouette: MMORPG Recruiting.

polycounter lvl 17
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GM_Goose polycounter lvl 17
Hello, everyone.

I'd like to invite some experienced modellers to help create the upcoming MMORPG 'Eternal Silhouette: The Shadow Prophecy'.

The world of Eternal Silhouette is a dynamic, ever-changing world where the players help decide the fate of the land. Experience the growth of your character through a unique leveling system that is based on skill, not just level. Partake in PvP in which you fight for your country's honor, or betray it.

You have the choice whether to become a powerful Hero, or a sinister Villain.

Here are a couple screenshots of some of our latest work.



Also, here is a sample music piece from out composer.


We currently have a small team of around 6, including a professional quality composer, along with a lot of other talent.

We currently need a few modellers to bring this world to life. You must at least have enough experience for organic modelling, though we will need buildings and props as well.



Main site- www.eternalsilhouette.tk

(Please forgive the shoddy website, we're going through a major web revamp and will have a professional quality website and host soon.)


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    just a quick question, how will you pay for servers to run the mmorpg?
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    And what's with all these MMORPG upstarts? Especially since most just seem to be Everquest with different themes and a less professional execution.
  • GM_Goose
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    GM_Goose polycounter lvl 17
    rooster: We have decent funding set aside for servers.

    KDR_11k: Well, it is the golden age of MMO's. I can also assure you Eternal Silhouette will be nothing like Everquest. It is much more in-depth than most games you'll find. Namely since the players affect the story and flow of events in-game, as well as their own character's life.

    And we're indy's, not a grand-scale company, so we aren't as professional as some, but that doesn't mean the game will be of lesser quality, either.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    nice one, itd still be a good idea to make some plans for generating more though just in case, as a good mmorpg will last a long time and burn through some serious cash, from what I can tell. All the best man, good luck smile.gif
  • GM_Goose
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    GM_Goose polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, it's not the cheapest project to start, but it's more than worth it if we get subscriptions rolling in.

    Thanks, rooster. Same to you.
  • LordScottish
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    LordScottish polycounter lvl 18
    Why complain about new products? You'll have the choice anyway, I look forward to more interesting mmorpgs than the ones we see today.
    Good luck guys! smile.gif
  • GM_Goose
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    GM_Goose polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks, we'll try our hardest while making this. We're keen to trying new things, so you can't expect the norm. I've seen many amazing indy projects, and I hope to be even a fraction as successful as they are.

    I'll post some media and screenshots in the near future. The only thing slightly holding us back is the lack of a modeller.
  • GM_Goose
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    GM_Goose polycounter lvl 17
    Update: Added screenshots of an in-game scene and a music piece by our composer.
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