Hey, guys,
My 2nd Maya book
The Game Animator's Guide to Maya is just about done. I'm going to have a color insert in the middle of the book for people to display their art. I'm also going to have an animation gallery featured on the book's CD. I've posted about this before, but this is my last call! I need any one else who would like to be featured in the book to get me their stuff by the end of February! You'll get a free copy of the book if your work is chosen to be included.
-The art CAN be made in any program, not just Maya.
-It must be game art.
-For print, the final will need to be fairly large, such as 2000x2000 resolution, or at least as large as possible to avoid any degradation. If you'd like to submit for print, let me see a smaller jpg first and then ask for the larger file.
-Animations for the CD can be playblasts, rendered, or in-game.
-Make sure the video files use a popular video codec, such as divx.
Let me know if you have any questions! If you'd like your work to be considered, please email me at
mtmckinleynet@hotmail.com .

Thanks, guys!