Did anyone even see it? I had no idea it was released on january 6 and to double check I looked through the older messages around that time and no one posted anything about seeing it or its release.
The critics laud is as being god awful and it has made almost no money compared to the costs needed to produce and maerket it. Check it:
rotten tomatoesbox office mojo
I checked my area and there are no theatres playing it. In fact, the few that did immediately removed the film from screening after only a week. It's a given that it was going to be bad but it came and went like nothing.
"I make movies.... IN THE NAME OF THE KING! ROFLOLLERS!!!1!"
-Love, Uwe

Uwe Boll Calls it Quits?
He's mad and he's not gonna take it anymore.
by Jane Pinckard, 02/15/2006
Eurogamer has a lengthy article up about Uwe Boll, known to gamers worldwide as the biggest champion for movies based on videogames. Unfortunately, most gamers think Boll's movies fail to live up to their full potential. In the Eurogamer article, Boll has some choice words for them: "The dangerous thing right now is that a lot of people bash me without thinking about the movies. It's fashionable to hit on Uwe Boll, and this is what I don't get. And I don't get why this comes so harshly from the games press."
It's a great interview, with Boll's trademark abrasive openness going full bore. But Boll hinted that he may be getting out of the videogame-film game: "I won't say that I won't acquire another videogame licence in the future. But I'm not so eager to do it any more, to be honest. After Far Cry, maybe I'll go away from videogame-based movies. And everybody can be really happy about it."
I downloaded it and watched about 5 minutes, then deleted the damn thing.
Then I used East-Tec Eraser to wipe those sectors free of Uwe Boll.
Likewise, I didn't even know the movie had been released. Probably better that way.
We need Rhinokey in here to give the opposite viewpoint.
Breaking news: No talent german director, with a hatred for gamers, can't take hint. Perhaps my hopes of this movie never being released, prevented me from learning it had already. Now we only have to wait til after FarCry for it to all be over. Hopefully FarCry won't take place on Mars, or New York in the 1930s.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, missed his biggest. DS2. I think it's in post production now. It got the most money put into it, and has a good cast... hahaha, dunno that it'd make a diff, but we shall see.
On a side note, though it is fun to make fun of the guy, I think that as gamers, we should give him some respect too.
Though his movies might suck, having game based movies is a huge thing for the game industry as is now, pulling it more to the mainstream. He's the one that's been pushing for it. Even if he does it badly, atleast he does it.
Awareness or not, he sucks!
Uwe Boll making mainstream crap is just one more reason to hate the guy.