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Modeling suggestions...?

polycounter lvl 17
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Highwind polycounter lvl 17
First off, I'm a complete n00b when it comes to modeling, I'm just now learning how to use 3ds max 6 in order to make a Quake 3 model, and it seems like I'm gonna have to almost master the art of modeling just to do ONE or TWO Q3A models! shocked.gif I was planning on making a model of Eric Draven (click for example) from "The Crow", because I can't find even ONE online, just a skin for Bitterman which of course looks nothing like Brandon Lee. And judging how one hasn't turned up on polycount or other well-known d/l sites, I'm assuming that any that exist aren't note-worthy (yet, I could be wrong tongue.gif ). Since I know Photoshop well, skinning seems to be the easiest part so far in making a model. I'm finding tutorials online (including stuff on this site, which seems to require a basic understanding of max 6 or whatever program before it can be helpful) and trying to learn how to even use the damn program first of all lol. But the thing is, is that I have the "attention to detail" factor and I believe *if* I can get a grasp on the whole modeling thing, it should turn out looking a lot like Brandon. I'd be using mostly images/photos for the model references, by the way.

What I'm asking is if any of you "veterans" have any recommendations or suggestions for the programs to use (i.e. Milkshape instead of max, Maya, etc.) or if you know of any good sources for true *beginners* at modeling?

The other models I had in mind of making (because, again, I couldn't find them online) were one of Bruce Lee (click for example image) and a Gordon Freeman model. If you know of any, please feel free to point me in their direction. smile.gif



  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    There are a lot of places around that have beginner guides. For character modelling, or modelling in general I highly suggest watching the videos on 3dbuzz.com

    Poopinmymouth has a rather huge series of character modelling videos that may help you out.

  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    I just figured out Q3A player modeling through Blender recelty, and blender's free software

    there's a thread below about that
  • Highwind
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    Highwind polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for the suggestions, I shall look into them. Does anyone know of any Bruce Lee/Gordon Freeman/The Crow models for Q3A?

    [ QUOTE ]
    I just figured out Q3A player modeling through Blender recelty, and blender's free software

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does Blender do everything for modeling a Q3 model? Do you know if it's easier to use than 3ds max? Does anyone have a certain program they'd recommend for a beginner other than max, or is max the best?


    YES! I just found a tutorial video on poopinmymouth's website for "I assume you know nothing and walk you through 3ds max." cool.gif D/Ling right now!
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    I know soul did a model of brandon lee once, but I don't know if it was released. The only thing I can say is that to master modeling, I would'nt focus on game content. Try the art first. The whole FF/Crow/HL/Bruce Lee thing is a bit overwhelming though, just don't throw in and dragonball and I guess yoru safe from flame.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Another Michigander! Welcome wink.gif

    I think all programs are going to be just a difficult to pick up from the start. Most of the programs are pretty powerful, which translates to: They have an intimidating amount of options. You may want to try a few of the other programs to see which 'feels' best to you. Everyone here is likely to state the program they use the most.
    For me personally, I like 3ds Max. I started with GMax, which a pretty much useless program since it doesn't natively export to anything useful. It was good however, to learn modeling since it doesn't have as many features to overwelm.

    Anyways, I suggest using the program that has the most exporters for the game you'll be working with (if modding). Like for you, you'll want to look for Q3 exporters and see what they are commonly available for. I don't know what Q3 is like for exporters.
    As an example though, UT2K4 has a DVD version available that comes with tutorials using Maya. While there are plenty of exporters available for Max, it would be beneficial to grab Maya and the DVD version of UT2K4 if you plan to mod it.

    Either way, no matter what you use, start off small. Don't try figures first... that is probably the most difficult thing to model :/ Work your way up. Make some vehicles or weapons first. Then once you get use to the tools and techniques, move up to player models.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just figured out Q3A player modeling through Blender recelty, and blender's free software

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    Does Blender do everything for modeling a Q3 model?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    UV maps, yes. Tags, yes. Multiple materials, yes. Animations, yes.

    it's up to you to find out which is suitable and easier for you. I don't like the idea of pushing millions of ui buttons, so I stray away from MAX.
  • Highwind
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    Highwind polycounter lvl 17
    Hey. Yes, I'm from Michigan smile.gif — what part are you from? As you can see, I'm from Lansing, so...yeah.

    I appreciate the responses from you guys (and/or gals? grin.gif), and yes, you guys are probably right. I shouldn't expect to just be able to leap right into making something as complex as a human being without learning the basics (but I just wanted to make ONE or TWO models then be done with it!!!). I had never seen or used a modeling program before I decided that playing as Eric Draven would be pretty awesome (his taunt might be, "victims, aren't we all?"...those who have seen the movie will know what I'm talking about, and what scene), and I would try to get his running animation down (when he's running on the rooftops in the film), and I was even thinking of making him with his trenchcoat on and all, but now I realize that that's kinda far-fetched (and unrealistic for someone who is just wanting to "aquire" the program wink.gif and make a few models then be done with it). It is much harder than making something in Photoshop (to me, that is). And also, what I'm envisioning is something that would be better than a model the Brothers Grimm released (Boba Fett), and they are pros as far as I'm concerned (although I did read somewhere that they said they kinda "threw" that model together). Actually, it was after seeing the Cloud model -- how he pulls his sword out when you equip the gauntlet, and spins it for the taunt -- that got me thinking of the possibilities. This stuff, as I have learned by now, is MUUUCH harder than it looks. My thinking was, "well, how hard can it be to make a cylinder, round it out and bend it to make a leg, take a circle and shape it into a head, etc. etc., then paste them all together and have a model?", not realizing that this is much more complex than making something 2D in Photoshop. But I am downloading some tutorial videos and am still intending on taming this beast known as "3d studio max". lol

    "The whole FF/Crow/HL/Bruce Lee thing is a bit overwhelming though, just don't throw in and dragonball and I guess yoru safe from flame."

    What is FF? I didn't mention 4 models, just 3 tongue.gif . And when did Dragonball enter the scene?! wink.gif ...flame?!? (hehe)

    "grab Maya and the DVD version of UT2K4 if you plan to mod it."

    I kinda already decided with myself that trying to make stuff for the more "recent" games would be too much for me (unless modeling for UT is easier than Q3 smirk.gif).

    "Don't try figures first... that is probably the most difficult thing to model :/"

    Damn, I was hoping that would be the easiest thing! wink.gif

    "...pushing millions of ui buttons..."

    Yes! Tell me about it!!!

    Well...I think I've formatted this post enough tongue.gif.

    Oh, hey Downsizer — do you know if this "soul" person did a good job on the model? Because if they didn't want it anymore, I could use that as a base starting point (if that would be fine with them, of course wink.gif).

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Soul does a good job on EVERYTHING. But I don't think he has ever released a player model...
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    FF = Final Fantasy, the Cid avatar you are using. I just mentioned you SHOLD"nt throw another pop culture icon in the mix or people will take you less seriously.

    Souls model is actually quite amazing and low spec. Run a board search on his user name.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey. Yes, I'm from Michigan smile.gif — what part are you from? As you can see, I'm from Lansing, so...yeah.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm a bit south of you. I'm in Waterford, which is in the Detroit metro area. Near Pontiac if you're familar with it.
  • Highwind
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    Highwind polycounter lvl 17
    [ QUOTE ]
    FF = Final Fantasy, the Cid avatar you are using. I just mentioned you SHOLD"nt throw another pop culture icon in the mix or people will take you less seriously.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Meaning...what? Cid is too hip for you? cool.gif And who isn't taking me seriously?? Not quite sure where you're comin from there...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Souls model is actually quite amazing and low spec. Run a board search on his user name.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I did find some pics of his version of Eric Draven, but I don't think it's authentic enough. It seemed like he took some shortcuts (like mirroring textures — no two sides on Brandon Lee's character are the same!) and not getting certain characteristics right, for example his face. I don't want to come across as bashing his model, it's sure as hell better than what I could do (for now, that is wink.gif) since I'm still learning how to model. laugh.gif And call me an obsessive perfectionist, but I'd constantly be referring to images/the movie to get almost everything right (I also noticed Soul gave him black nail polish, which he did NOT have in the movie!! tongue.gif). But then again, this would probably be the only model I would make, or one of two models I'd ever make, so of course I'd be spending much more time on it! laugh.gif
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