I'd love to have cool cars available to me, and if I don't like a car, I could make them change it Not to mention, you make a butt load of money to make such decisions.
I would want to be some kind of world traveling art history archivist, art in all forms is just so amazing to me. Or persue my childhood dreams of being a musician or game artist.
You know, I used to think this would be an awesome job, until I realized that not only a small percentage of my patients would be hot. Remember, your grandma likely still visits hers
trust me guys you dont want to be a chef. my dad is chef and i was raised in the kitchen, my dad had a knife in my hand before i was 5 teaching me how to hold it and i could cook for myself before i was 11 and i LOVE to cook. i worked for my dad and was a sioux chef at his resturant as well as several fine dining establishments in new orleans, and i have to say it sucks. its horrible work, most kitchens dont have air conditioners, and opening and shutting 500 degree ovens for 8 hours makes it around 110-115 in kitchen in the summer,and you usually have to wear those long sleave thick ass white chef shirts. we would take our breaks in the walk in freezers. i have yet to work in a kitchen where 90 percent of the staff didnt do some type drug or was an alchoholic. and yes this is fine dining! working in the service industry is most horrible thing in the universe, i have never met a chef that was happy with his life and most are complete assholes.
Since Arsh won't let me be a chef I'd probably be Poop's pimp.
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bahahahahahaha, dude by all means if you want to be a chef go for it. maybe it was just me and every resturant i have worked at, but its not fun, but the days do go by super fast , you just smell like food all the time and it dosent wash off. and if you want to be poops pimp your going to have to buy him from me, he makes more money than all my other hos combined cause of his special wrist action technique he picked up europe, so its not going to be cheap.
if video games didn't exist I think i'd still be playing hockey somewhere, maybe not the NHL, but probably somewhere on a professional level having a pretty sweet life and alot of fans and hos
I'd be a wanderer, a drifter. Seeing the land, meeting its people, finding its soul. Masturbating on car door handles as I go. In every city, in every town. Goo from coast to coast, from Gulf to Great Lakes. My goo.
One of my dreams would be to restore and protect old Japanese buildings, and building techniques.
funny question really because when I was 17 the Job Center (welfare office) told me I had to get a job, out of all the options I narrowed it down to working in a cyber cafe making websites OR tree surgery. Sometimes I wish I went with tree surgery, because I'd still be in cornwall (british countryside) and not be obsessed with Japan.
I loathe making spreadsheets and entering junk in databases.
I'd love to have cool cars available to me, and if I don't like a car, I could make them change it
I would want to be some kind of world traveling art history archivist, art in all forms is just so amazing to me. Or persue my childhood dreams of being a musician or game artist.
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You know, I used to think this would be an awesome job, until I realized that not only a small percentage of my patients would be hot. Remember, your grandma likely still visits hers
Other than that, writer, film editor, or emperor of the world would be fine.
oh yeah baby give it to me you like that *slap* yeah
Rorshach: I know it's nothing to do with gamekeeping, but I can't help but think of Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons...
I figure I'll give it a try someday if I get tired of working on 'virtual' stuff.
i'd like to be an illustrator or musician.
Since Arsh won't let me be a chef I'd probably be Poop's pimp.
[/ QUOTE ]
bahahahahahaha, dude by all means if you want to be a chef go for it. maybe it was just me and every resturant i have worked at, but its not fun, but the days do go by super fast , you just smell like food all the time and it dosent wash off. and if you want to be poops pimp your going to have to buy him from me, he makes more money than all my other hos combined cause of his special wrist action technique he picked up europe, so its not going to be cheap.
Tis a hard choice.
Take away digital art in general, I'd seriously consider Air Force Officer, or some form of home business.
funny question really because when I was 17 the Job Center (welfare office) told me I had to get a job, out of all the options I narrowed it down to working in a cyber cafe making websites OR tree surgery. Sometimes I wish I went with tree surgery, because I'd still be in cornwall (british countryside) and not be obsessed with Japan.
I do dream of chainsaws though...