Awesome free and opensource music, but only download if you like computer generated (a bit nerdy) music with occasional German voice-samples

The guy also does the music for the Farbrausch Demos btw.
Oh and if you like the stuff: donate a small amount

Buzz represent, niggazz.
Actually i hardly ever use buzz because i've never been able to get it stable, but i LOVE the machines, and wish there would either be a good vst-wrapper, or that buzzLE would become stable.
The second track is so awesome if you understand the text (in German)
I'd suggest you check out the group Plastic Noise Experience. Also the group Kraftwelt(the name's a nod to Kraftwerk obviosly, which I am just going to assume you already know about, because, c'mon, if you like computer music, then you have to know about Kraftwerk, haha)
Thanks for the link!
He released his new album (the cover is a joke btw... this has absolutly nothing to do with neo-nazis; read his blog entry linked in the comments)
Awesome stuff as usual