So I started doodling on a sphere, then saved teh document as a .zbr file. I come back a day later wanting to work on it some more, open up the file, my previous work is right there on the viewport, but how the hell do I select the mesh so I can sculpt it again?
(I know, this is probably a dumb question and I am totally missing the tool, but I thank anyone who can answer this._
Oh, sorry, this isn't a zbrush bashing thread? Being a little pre-emptive here. My bad ¬_¬
It is true that some workflows are pretty much insane especially when it comes to poly editing. Yet, if you'd drop the 2.5 engine/core you wouldn't have projection master anymore... amongst other things.
Let us see the next version tho!
Their program was a novelty until sculptors got a hold of it. Now most likely 90% plus of the people who have actually given them money for their program, are people using it to sculpt with. Yet they won't just start focusing on the sculpting aspects. They continue to push it in the direction of a full out art creation product, when no one uses it as such except some of the beginners on their forum.
I think as soon as Mudbox becomes available it's going to destroy them, because it's made by sculptors, for sculptors, with no grandiose plans to become anything other than a sculpting tool.
i mean look at digital domain/d2 software's nuke. what a terrible interface/workflow, and that's a 10 - 15 year old mature tool with several years of public distribution already. can't hold a candle to shake in terms of workflow imho. shake has been in the field for a long time and it shows.
drawing conclusions from that, i better dig deep any great hopes for the superiority of mudbox in the first public releases then
zbrush needs to be opened up: make the API available to interested coders, give that damn thing a plugin for the 3dconnexion spacemouse.
oh and i really hope no one tries to incorporate this kind of sculpting into one of the major 3d apps. these are already un-intuitive, slow and overloaded with stuff. all of them.
edit: has weta made public any plans to distribute their software at all?
thomasp: Its being developed as a commercial app. intended for release.
Definitely Tim.
It is being developed by 3 people, 1 a former programmer for Weta, the other two who still work for Weta. It is being used by Weta atm and a select Beta group and will eventually go public. We should be getting the beta here at work soon
I would also argue that projection master is a blight on the product as well. Gimme texture stamping, slight lines and texturing in the 3d window anyday.
I just want a product I can open a model, subdiv it, paint in details, paint texture, bump and spec whilst looking at it in real time and then output all the parts. Ideally the product should be able to open multiple meshes and allow you to switch back and forth with that hideous 'marker' system. A child should be able to use it but nooooooooo.
Remember I was demoing claytools? you can learn that whole interface in a few hours. Whats the big problem?