I'm not super happy with the results I get in Photoshop. Before I go off and buy a new chunk of hardware I'd like to give some other packages a try. I seem to remember a few coming up in posts a little while back but I can't find them. What are some of the better sketch programs out there?
I heard Alias Sketchbook (is that the right name?) is pretty good too.
What is it in particular that you don't like about sketching in Photoshop?
As for lines not looking as smooth as you think they should, try checking the "Smoothing" option in the Brushes palette, that usually helps.
As for all of the other issues you mentioned, I've never come across them, so I'd be tempted to say it's your tablet/mouse drivers that are screwing up somehow, not Photoshop.
Give Art Rage a try.
I have the opposite problem on starting photshop, or even if I leave it alone for a while. The tablet won't work until I tap the pen, move the mouse then return to the pen. Its not really a big issue.
As for other options, Alias sketchbook is quite nice but then so is Photoshop...
art rage has always been choppy on my boxes; nice brushes, good for a play, but not quite my taste of program for an everyday app. too annoying a brush behaviour to stand it more than a few minutes - digital painting should not be about simulating the shortcomings of traditional methods imho.
sketchbook has a very nice painterly feeling to it. i like that program but i don't do enough sketching to be able to justify the expense. you should check it out, though. it's like a trimmed-down version of studiopaint, a god among paint programs
an incredibly talented fella and ex-coworker of mine swears by a software called open canvas for most of his sketching/painting needs. never tried that one personally.
I also like open canvas. Great cheap program with good brushes - though still feels closer to photoshop in terms of UI and workflow, which could be a good thing.
I'll try to post by sketching brush library.
danr: turn the overlay surface of the wacom around. looks stupid, but feels smooth as silk again
photoshop for sketching sucks, yep, especially the newer releases. the smoothing option makes it a performance eater, with the brush trying to catch up on occasion. has interpolation issues as well when you're doing quick strokes or change directions fast, it seems.
[/ QUOTE ]I've never had these problems, and I usually have Photoshop going with Maya, Zbrush and a bunch of other crap running in the background. How ancient is the machine you're trying to run this on?
I've never had these problems, and I usually have Photoshop going with Maya, Zbrush and a bunch of other crap running in the background. How ancient is the machine you're trying to run this on?
[/ QUOTE ]
Now that is odd, since on my 3.0ghz P4 witrh 2 gig of ram, nothing else open, quick strokes in Photoshop always come out like this for me:
I gave up trying to figure out what the hell my issue was and got OpenCanvas with no similiar issues. Feels nice, and I love the rotating canvas.
Here's a quick scribble I did on my Intuos2 in PS on my P4 3.0ghz with 1gb ram, 3dsmax, Zbrush, XNview and Firefox open
i have a hunch that you get a 30-day, and not a license for sketchbook pro. one thing i forgot to add about the program: WORST PAINTBRUSH EVER!
[/ QUOTE ]
nope snowfly its a full version righ on the cover "FREE SOFTWARE ALIAS SKETCHBOOK PRO US $199.99 VALUE"
it was this book see look full version..
Maybe try checking for brush spacing options or something?
the question should maybe be if you only tested performance on zoomed-in postal stamp sized images without more than one layer, layer effects and so on
btw. i tested ps7 on a 1.5 ghz G4 mac, cpuwise comparable to an athlon xp2000. total joke. not only was painting choppy, but the second you used the smudge tool, it was coffee time. i'd rather go pack to dpaint on the amiga than using this.
photoshop is a zombie for me, it's dead but still does the job. i want no f**king "upgrades" of that dinosaur anymore. bring on the competition and i'll keep my 5.5 in the meantime.
It actually becomes MUCH better than the standard smudgetool this way