omg, that same thing happened to me. I had the volume on my headphones WAY up and was concentrating really hard on that bloody game... Jumped outta my freakin seat.
Scared for life? Talking to a psychiatrist? Do you guys honestly want to raise your little boys to be little girls? His punishment for crying should be, he is chained to the water heater and feed dog food for a month, with the last part playing in a loop just outside of his reach.
He needs to realize that a door with great opertunities has been opened to him. A blank check to go over the top and not get in trouble. It is time to see if pappa can also take what he dishes out. But judging by the crying he much rather play the victim than worry about revenege. Which is the real crime here.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! He even slaps at the screen!
No, that is not cruel, there are so many worse things to do than that. I was expecting to see the dad just slap the kid upside then head and yell at him to get of the computer. But this, this is harmless. This kind of stuff happened to me throughout my childhood. Now....I have nerves of steel (for the most part).Granted for the next week or the kid is going to hate his father, but it will soon be forgiven. Kids aer like that.
Scared for life? Talking to a psychiatrist? Do you guys honestly want to raise your little boys to be little girls? His punishment for crying should be, he is chained to the water heater and feed dog food for a month, with the last part playing in a loop just outside of his reach.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know how serious you are, but the entire 'be a man' concept sickens me, and that extends to derogatory remarks about one's credentials for the position.
A better comment should be, "how to keep your childern from spending too much time playing video games."
Asthane, you need to go put a full rack of ribs on the BBQ, crank some hardcore porn thru your manly home theater, so loud that the neighbors 3 blocks away call the cops. But before they show up make sure to down a case of PBR. Then when the cops do finally show up start throwing punches.
Yes I was being sarcastic This shouldn't scar a well adjusted kid. I would like to think that 75% of the kids his age would jump back then shake it off without the theatical tears. Since he doesn't seem that well adjusted it was pretty freakin mean.
On the flip side, you can't coddle your childern thier whole life. I sure as hell don't want a 35 year old man living in my basement that sees a spider and wants to sleep in my bed...
I would like to think that 75% of the kids his age would jump back then shake it off without the theatical tears.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would think the opposite. Something is wrong with a kid who did shrug it off. Possibly from a overbearing father saying men dont cry and are strong and must act in a certain way.
I don't know how serious you are, but the entire 'be a man' concept sickens me, and that extends to derogatory remarks about one's credentials for the position.
I don't know about toughening him up, but he thought the guy was being nice to him and all the while he was being set up for a fall. Not a nice lesson to be taught by a close family member.
I still laughed though
If I had cried like that my father, well my real father would have killed me, but my step father would have bloodied my lip to show me what was and wasn't appropriate to cry about, and even then I was only allowed to cry for so long.
It kept me up nights, but that was because I taped the thing and kept watching it over and over. I begged my mom to buy me the "making of" VHS. I think Thriller is the reason I love zombies so much today.
I actually feel more sorry for this kid for the sheltered life he's obviously been dealt than for what the stepdad did.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had the same thought. Pretty funny, especially when you consider some kids have to face actual scary stuff like getting raped by their meth addict parents.
I had seen so many movies by the time I was that age I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have freaked out that much. I mean, is it really such a bad thing to expose your kids to "scary" stuff when it is so harmless? A lot better than panicking like that when something unexpected happens while you are driving a car (and yes, I have known people who have panicked just like this while they were driving because water/mud got splashed on their windshield).
Yeah, me and my brother used to laugh at how funny Thriller was. Especially the part where the zombie barfs. I think I must have been around 5 or 6 when that video came out.
ninjas, I dunno if its just the fact that its exposing him to something scary, its different if your dad plays a trick on you than if you watch a scary movie, or do extreme sports or whatever. a betrayal of trust is involved.
When I was four, my dad took me to see The Jungle Book at the local theater. When the movie was over I wandered off to talk to a friend (at age 4 I can't imagine how the conversation went). Anyhow, my dad hid behind a pillar so that he could not be found when I went looking for him. Everyone was gone and I thought for sure he had left me. (He simply wanted to teach me a lesson). Well, I was scared enough as it was...but when he jumped out from behind the pillar, that sealed the deal. I can still remember how terrified I was, and for him to have frightened me only added insult to injury.
At least my dad picked me up to hug me, feeling bad for what he had done. The dad in that clip didnt offer much comfort to his child.
However, what my dad didnt expect was for me to bite him on the neck as hard as a four-year-old could. I guess we were even at that point.
what *is everyone monging on about? Kids of that age cry hysterically for 5 minutes if they brush too heavily against a wall. It's just a bit of a laugh, fercrissakes
Well, I was 3 years old. I did love Twisted Sister's "Be Chrool to your Scuel" video when it came out around 85, it featured zombie makeup by Tom Savini!
Wow, that's serioulsy wrong. Now that I have a son of my own I can't even image purposely scaring the shit out of him for my own entertainment. Not that this one incedent is going to scar him for life, but I'm guessing this step-dad routinely pulls this type of crap on the kid, and that makes me feel really sorry for him.
Looks like the kid in that video is about five years old. That's an age where you still believe there are monsters in the closet. You look to your parents to protect you, not bring the monsters out of the closet and attack you with them.
Unless that kid was born with severe emotional problems I hardly think it's going to scar him for life. I did the same thing to my oldest daughter when she was 5 with a different flash. She cried for a bit then got mad at me and forgot about later. I showed her this clip last weekend. She didn't laugh but she looked at me with an angry look in her eyes but she was smiling. Kind of an I'm-annoyed-at-you-but-still-amused face.
I asked her, "What's that look for? Is it because you still remember when I did that to you?"
She said, "Yes!" Then hit me and laughed about it.
She's 8 now and has no problem sleeping through the night and hasn't wet the bed or anything since she was a toddler. She has no problem being in rooms by herself and has never woken in the middle of the night crying. She's very friendly and playful at school and her teachers love her. I would venture to say it has had absolutely no impact on her whatsoever except for that one time scare. I'm fairly certain she had even forgotten about it up until I showed her this clip.
In other words, sheesh it's only a small prank. The kid will get over it.
friggin priceless.
i feel sorry for the kid when he starts crying though.
(nevertheless, I gotta show this one at work tomorrow)
poor thing, he will be damaged for life lol
twenty years from now, this is going to be explained to a psychiatrist.
twenty years from now, this is going to be explained to a psychiatrist.
[/ QUOTE ]
At least he'll have it all on video.
Apparently it was the boys step-father who done this, which only adds fuel to the fire.
Scared for life? Talking to a psychiatrist? Do you guys honestly want to raise your little boys to be little girls? His punishment for crying should be, he is chained to the water heater and feed dog food for a month, with the last part playing in a loop just outside of his reach.
He needs to realize that a door with great opertunities has been opened to him. A blank check to go over the top and not get in trouble. It is time to see if pappa can also take what he dishes out. But judging by the crying he much rather play the victim than worry about revenege. Which is the real crime here.
Besides thats funny stuff!
No, that is not cruel, there are so many worse things to do than that. I was expecting to see the dad just slap the kid upside then head and yell at him to get of the computer. But this, this is harmless. This kind of stuff happened to me throughout my childhood. Now....I have nerves of steel (for the most part).Granted for the next week or the kid is going to hate his father, but it will soon be forgiven. Kids aer like that.
I hope that his parents get rewarded with many sleepless nights because of that kid's nightmares
Over react much?
Scared for life? Talking to a psychiatrist? Do you guys honestly want to raise your little boys to be little girls? His punishment for crying should be, he is chained to the water heater and feed dog food for a month, with the last part playing in a loop just outside of his reach.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know how serious you are, but the entire 'be a man' concept sickens me, and that extends to derogatory remarks about one's credentials for the position.
Thank you, that is all.
Hillarious video
Asthane, you need to go put a full rack of ribs on the BBQ, crank some hardcore porn thru your manly home theater, so loud that the neighbors 3 blocks away call the cops. But before they show up make sure to down a case of PBR. Then when the cops do finally show up start throwing punches.
Yes I was being sarcastic This shouldn't scar a well adjusted kid. I would like to think that 75% of the kids his age would jump back then shake it off without the theatical tears. Since he doesn't seem that well adjusted it was pretty freakin mean.
On the flip side, you can't coddle your childern thier whole life. I sure as hell don't want a 35 year old man living in my basement that sees a spider and wants to sleep in my bed...
I would like to think that 75% of the kids his age would jump back then shake it off without the theatical tears.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would think the opposite. Something is wrong with a kid who did shrug it off. Possibly from a overbearing father saying men dont cry and are strong and must act in a certain way.
I don't know how serious you are, but the entire 'be a man' concept sickens me, and that extends to derogatory remarks about one's credentials for the position.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you need some serious Randy Savownage.
i also love this
I still laughed though
..umm...anyone got the link to the actaul program thing?
I laughed. But ... MEAN!
Jeez, what an asshole. I remember being scared shitless by Thriller when I was little, I couldn't imagine getting shown this thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahahaha no way! Thriller made me stay up for 24 hours straight for the first time after I saw it premier on MTV when I was 9.
I actually feel more sorry for this kid for the sheltered life he's obviously been dealt than for what the stepdad did.
[/ QUOTE ]
I know, he's obviously old enough for factory work!
It kept me up nights, but that was because I taped the thing and kept watching it over and over. I begged my mom to buy me the "making of" VHS. I think Thriller is the reason I love zombies so much today.
I actually feel more sorry for this kid for the sheltered life he's obviously been dealt than for what the stepdad did.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had the same thought. Pretty funny, especially when you consider some kids have to face actual scary stuff like getting raped by their meth addict parents.
I had seen so many movies by the time I was that age I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have freaked out that much. I mean, is it really such a bad thing to expose your kids to "scary" stuff when it is so harmless? A lot better than panicking like that when something unexpected happens while you are driving a car (and yes, I have known people who have panicked just like this while they were driving because water/mud got splashed on their windshield).
Yeah, me and my brother used to laugh at how funny Thriller was. Especially the part where the zombie barfs. I think I must have been around 5 or 6 when that video came out.
At least my dad picked me up to hug me, feeling bad for what he had done. The dad in that clip didnt offer much comfort to his child.
However, what my dad didnt expect was for me to bite him on the neck as hard as a four-year-old could.
a betrayal of trust is involved.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is what makes it so absolutely hysterical though! ;-) Meh, I think the kid needs to toughen up. Worse things happen at sea.
whoah! People were scared by Thriller?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I was 3 years old. I did love Twisted Sister's "Be Chrool to your Scuel" video when it came out around 85, it featured zombie makeup by Tom Savini!
However, what my dad didnt expect was for me to bite him on the neck as hard as a four-year-old could.
[/ QUOTE ]
Going for the jugular eh? You learned young
Looks like the kid in that video is about five years old. That's an age where you still believe there are monsters in the closet. You look to your parents to protect you, not bring the monsters out of the closet and attack you with them.
I asked her, "What's that look for? Is it because you still remember when I did that to you?"
She said, "Yes!" Then hit me and laughed about it.
She's 8 now and has no problem sleeping through the night and hasn't wet the bed or anything since she was a toddler. She has no problem being in rooms by herself and has never woken in the middle of the night crying. She's very friendly and playful at school and her teachers love her. I would venture to say it has had absolutely no impact on her whatsoever except for that one time scare. I'm fairly certain she had even forgotten about it up until I showed her this clip.
In other words, sheesh it's only a small prank. The kid will get over it.