Some specs first;
It's about 3DSMax7.
With SP1.
I'm new to "Render to Texture" and the first time I used it I apperently also messed up my Max

The thing is taht when I apply a UVunwrap, all the UV's in the unwrapwindow look as if it's a stretched front/side/top view instead of the UVmapping I made BEFORE geting the bug.
The UV's haven't changed as Texporter does recognize my UVmap, but the Unwrapwindow doesn't, so it seems.
Also, editing any UV's in the messed up UVwindow doesn't do a thing on the Model it'sselfe, the textures don't update at all even though I've got "Always Update Viewport" or something like taht in the UVwindow checked.
I could really appriciate some input on this as I'm not in the mood to reinstall, nor is it very pleasant to be unableto do any UVmapping atall.
It's something with the render to texure thing, I'm sure of it. It would be a great helpalready if someone could make a screenshot of their defaultsetting so i can maybe manually reset it (as the "render to texture" dialog doesn't have a reset all button)
In the image you'll see the Model, the UVUnwrap of the model and what texporter churns out (wich is the actually UVmapping of mine wich was made BEFORE the bugg)
so technically i solved 2 problems today with half the effort!