This one will be a gargoyle, because damnit, that's what I do. Can't fight along Polycount without 'em
though one thing...i'm no concept artist (i can't concept or draw worth a crap), so someone PLEASE draw me a combination of the power of
this or
this with the charisma of
this or this and mix it with the stylings of
this and
this or this or maybe
this or
even more. Nude and uncut, possibly with some accessories (bracers for example). Design must have the polycount war insignia on him in some way [/stringofinspiration]
I will model, uv and texture the sucker and he'll be in ut2k4 specs + normal so he can be exported to ut2k4 and quake4 and any future games
after the war.
hos with me???!
could have been a giant cock aswell...
Cheap: Glad to see you are stepping up. For some inspirational music you should dowload the song "necromantix - gargoyles over copenhagen".
edit: yes I realize he isn't nude with a huge gargoyle general penis flapping about, but I figured its easier to hang trophys and war gear on a belt etc. than on ones member.
this one is a bit sketchy, just wanted to show where I was going on it before bothering to clean it up.
also a closer rendition of the head
lemme know what you think.
now on to valander's inquisitor..
also hair wtf. You could possibly make his face a bit more monsterous than human (chinese ninja) though, and maybe make one of his horn pairs big and curled
I like it so far hehe though some design changes should be taken. What about his back? Does he have any special stuff there? What about a sexy shoulder pinch on the upper chest? (chest is a bit too low imo)
Just look at this guy for an example (you may need to drag the url in the addy bar)