browsing through the gallery, it's amazing how so many people can live so close together. the conditions must be horrible. some without a complete roof.
yeah thats nothing, just looks like it's a big deal cause all the houses look the same. i live in a townhouse development, with more houses than that, and no spaces in between the blocks. I dont have a yard, or a driveway, houses in front of me, houses in back of me, same deal.
Downsizer: There are 300+ homes in that photograph, but if you read the info on the site, that's just about 3% of the total number of houses in Ixtapaluca. Does your townhouse development have 10,000+ buildings, all identical?
I would say about 1500 houses in my immediate neighborhood. I'm not stupid Mop, just fyi. I was commenting on the photo shown, not the other information. That is'nt a bad place to live, I was actually trying to positivly defend that idea, based on how cramped it is in my area.
Once again, i'm singled out for no reason. Don't you people have something better to do?
Once again, i'm singled out for no reason. Don't you people have something better to do?