Another lurker forced to enter.
The orginal concept was a Human general who leads alien troops. Wanted someone older and beaten and battered by war, wanting it all to end but unable to lose. The idea was that the aliens ended up using him as much as he lead them.
After working on him for a couple days and not getting anywhere, I decided to just go ahead and make the alien the primary focus.
I'm still kinda torn as to which one to go with - any suggestions?
Anyway, those concepts are fantastic!
I say go with the bottom one though, it just looks more original and has a much more evil vibe to it.
Haven't had a lot of time but started the mesh. Had to optimize a lot cause I had used up most of the tris before I even hit the waist.
Yes, alien all the way!
And a rough color map. Spec is nonexistant
Still have a lot of work to go, but I'm happy that I'm making some progress
Didnt even unwrap it just box mapped it :P