Can anybody asnwer some questions for me about the Cgchat Dominance War?
It was suggested to me during my portfolio critique that it would be helpful to me to start getting involved in the cgchat contests, so I waited for one to start, and here it is.
So,onto the questions.
Is there any reason for noobs NOT to get involved?
Like, I do not completely follow the whole "war" aspect of this contest.
1)Does that mean that anything that isnt the best work polycount has to offer is going to help the other side win?
The reason I ask is I have seen several people say something to the effect of, they will let the pros handle this one. I think the contest sounds great, and I believe I could offer something, I have seen some of the work of the people on these boards, and its no comparison to anything I'm skilled to do now.
2)Is there a certain amount of slots that will all get filled if I don't leave a message in the contest forum stating my intentions?
I have already done some concpets that I think are looking good, but I don't want to get myself involved in anything that is going to piss anyone off if I dont pull it off.