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Polycount - Generals - [Ninjas]



  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Devoid: Thanks for the vote of confidence! Absolutely right on the fingers. I should have at least put in enough polys to rig them, but I don't know what I was thinking. I plan to bring up the quality of the hands next.

    Here is after trying to sharpen up the texture:

  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    wow ninjas this turned out to be really top notch work, great job! get him rigged up and give him a badass pose
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I wasn't too fond of the initial texture, but the new one is definately a huge improvement! Great work.

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Turned out real nice. Some nit-picks, though. His bare arm stands out as being plain... he needs something on it, in my opinion. Tattoo, moles, eyeball, something. Maybe the polycount symbol branded into his skin?

    Not really sure whats going on with the texture on the knee-pads. I assume the paint has been scraped off around the edges, but it seems like it got the short end of the pixel stick when it came to laying out your uvs. The underlying metal is basically black and white, with a black outline.

    If you address those two things, I think you could have a stellar piece, especially for your first of its kind.

    oh yeah, I'd like to see what the cape looks like. Is it just unrelieved black?
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Steady, Caseyjones: Thanks guys! I think I am going to take another week with modeling extra stuff, improving the map before I rig him.

    Sectaurs: The cape has some dirtmap and aqua color variation but I plan to add blood stains and scorch marks. I'll post an image up tonight after I get a chance to work on it. The knees have way too little UV. The color map for the metal is a medium gray, but the spec is hitting it especially hard in that shot. I think I have no other recourse than to scale up the UVs in in that area and rework the maps a bit to get it to work, but I am going to wait until I get some other areas of the texture map nailed down first. In the concept I had a bunch of scars on his arm, that I was going to add later, but I like the idea of an Aushwits style arm tatoo. I big part of this character is that he is the product of the countless wars he has been in and that would be a cool way to show it.

    Rick: I am going to go in and and those buckles for the thiegh pads, but I just haven't had the chance yet.

    Thanks for the comments guys!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    looking good smile.gif

    i also noticed it's quite funny on the thumbnail page, the formatting makes your entry read as "The Man Who Can't Be Killed By Ninjas" ... unfortunately I don't think CGChat have any ninjas in their armies, so this guy can be killed frown.gif
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    That is awesome Mop. I didn't even see that.

    Here is another shot of the cloak
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    it's been great watching you push your abilities on this one, Ninjas--and i know you're not done yet smile.gif more detailing on the cloak is going to be a must of course, but otherwise i have no comment other than to hope you continue to polish this up.. by the time the deadline hits this will definitely be one of the strongest contenders. good work.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    awesome, the only thing that distracts me is the fingers that have been mentioned before, I reckon you could chop a few loops out the forehead without too much grief and shape up them digits, but I've really enjoyed the progression man smile.gif. That last shot would be an awesome action pose if his arms and legs were in a leaping pose and his head faced the camera!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys, it made my day to read your comments! Rooster, both me and my wife love your concept! It is really exciting to see the amazing quality work everyone is doing.

    I think I'll have a pretty major update tonight. I fixed the hands and kness, but still have some small details to take care of on the maps for them.

    Thanks again everyone for all the awesome comments. They are helping out a lot!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18

    High poly belt and scabbard. Low poly gun. I'm right up against 5k polys with still the sword to do the low poly version of. This is with the new hands and somewhat corrected UV.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good. New hands are nice, but where'd you steal the polys from? tongue.gif

    scab/boils on the arm are gross. I love it!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I had been trimming polys as a went along, so before I did the hands, the character was down to 4100 tri's. I took a couple verticle edges off his forehead and a couple from his right arm. At this point I really don't want to re-do any normal maps, so I had to be pretty careful.

    Yeah, I'll post a closeup of the arm later. He has "lazer scars" which are more or less terrible pinpoint burn wounds.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Close-up of the arm to show off scars and tatoo.


    5K poly's (exactly) normal mapped. Normals maps need touch-up.


    I really feel like I am on the home stretch now. No more modeling!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    more or less done.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Really came together well man congrats smile.gif Action pose!
    so jealous your almost done tongue.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    yep, nice looking, just give him a cool base and a defiant pose and we're sorted smile.gif

    also i'd highly suggest shrinking his head a little, even if you did already it still seems too big to me, makes him look kinda weak with that proportion.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I was noticing the hands too. It actually seemed to me like the finger spacing is odd. Otherwise a great model. I like the scarring on the arms
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    the hands are to flat, i know that they are suppose to be in that position, but the thumb generaly isnt attached sidely with the palm, it lowers ( ok, i cant explain in english, look at your own hand lol ) the skin tones that you painted are a tad artificial, but i guess thats what you are aiming for.
    FINISH !
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Mop: Thanks again. I had shrunk the head, but shrinking it even more made it look better.

    Rooster: Yeah. I'm rigging it now. It shouldn't take too long!

    Notman and Johny: Actually, these hands are modeled straight from some isometric photos. It is true that the hands are in a weird position, but once they are rigged I think they will look much more natural. I'll let you guys decide for yourself once the posed shots are done.

    Thanks everybody for the crits and comments!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    A test pose turnaround.

    Mov (3.5 mb)
  • OverFlow
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    OverFlow polycounter lvl 18
    You're almost done! Pretty impressive. I think the pose is somewhat uninteresting though. I would have the gun arm fully extended. Then maybe bring out the legs more and have him crouch just a little? Just some thoughts for more of an 'action pose' smile.gif
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    He looks great, but what Overflow said. Needs action pose--something that elaborates an even more interesting silhouette, not closing in his basic one. and the cape is a total freebie for dynamic action-y stuff, so don't hold back! smile.gif other than that he's really looking pretty sharp, good work. been great watching you develop him.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't notice it in the renders but the pose made everything more obvious, the head is still way too big, chest may be to low aswell, and as overflow said, it definitely needs a better pose, though I like the floating cape, but this pose makes him look like he won't be able to move anymore, because of the thigh pads and stuff...nitpicking tho, nice entry man smile.gif
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I know. What is up with that head? I swear it looks tiny in the non-perspective views and I was keeping to the "3 head widths" rule with the shoulders. I think I will scale it down one more time.

    I had been playing around with the rig and different poses, but the comments about an action pose really got me thinking. I have a couple of ideas I want to try, but I am trying to finish up a project that is due tonight. I'll be back on this in the next few days though. Thanks for the comments everyone!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    New pose. I tried some more action oriented poses but the character is pretty hard to read... frown.gif

    I'm liking this pose:
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Great model, great pose, but the base is letting it down. Spread some pixel love!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I think you need to put some overlays on the texture to give it some ... eh. texture. Too much flat color of my tastes.

    and hes falling off his base..
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I like how your earlier render showed off the face and chest better. If you adjust the lighting so its not so dark there, I think you'll be fine. A little extra texturing on the fabric and a post-apoc base and you're set.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Kinda reminds me of Pauly Shore in the face. The pose is MUCH better.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    ok ninja's to bust your balls here... his colours are very neutral - they are brown with shades of blue and green.
    I think if you try to introduce an alternative colour scheme you could push the texture further.
    Use contrasting opposite colours on the colour wheel, experiement with more saturated colours ! (of course save your current stuff first wink.gif )

    Its glaringly obviously that the cape lacks any real - texture - is it fabric? get a photo of a suitable texture sample, scale it and sample it over your texture - maybe even make a bump with it or use the nvidia filter to add it to your normal map.
    I'd also suggest your do the same to the other materials on the character - if they are metal, use an overlay to help suggest that in the diffuse.
    all your spec highlights seem very desaturated.. try giving your metal a more saturated highlight, theres a good suggestion on how to paint a spec map in the 2d forum.. look for a post by tinman wink.gif

    hope that helps, it already looks good but I think you can push it further
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks everybody. Great comments!

    Rick: I'm working on a new base now. It isn't "over the top" but it is much cooler I think. I am going to add some debris to bring it together.

    Aesir, Spacemonkey: Thanks guys. I started working on the texture pretty early on in the comp, and now that I see how awesome everyone's stuff is coming along it has become more and more obvious I need to take it to a higher level. Thanks for the specifics Spacemonkey! I'll see if I can put them to some good use.

    Notman: Yes, it IS Pauly Shore. Our generals are supposed to be evil, right?

    I'll try to find the time to work on this tonight. Man, I have a busy day- good thing it's Friday!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Man, I have gotten to the point where I can't really "see" my model any more. A total loss of objectivity. I added a bunch more dirt to the texture, cloth and leather texture overlays, and more color. redid the lights and adjusted the pose slightly. Let me know what you guys think! I may add a couple pices of debris to the base.


    On a side note, the base may look a little crappy, but it is completely procedural so it should be easy to send to anyone who wants to use it.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    New colors really do wonders for it, in my opinion. More glowly bits to match his sword might look nice on his armor, glowly bits = futuristic. Base is nice and simple.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    alright. Overlays are better. Right now though, I think your spec map needs some work. The sense of the materials that Im getting from each material is all off.

    His shirt sleeve is way too shiny for cloth, a lot of the metal not shiny enough. Face might also need some more specularity

    Another problem I have with the face is that the texture looks too muddy. Try adding more blue in the shadows and red in the light.

    Keep it up!
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    thanks everybody for the help! It has been awesome. I've tweaking the spec, and face texture -- but I'm running low on time. I'm going out of town Monday, and I have work to do tomorrow. Long story short, this is probably pretty final. I may go and tweak the gun textures if I find the time.

  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I just noticed I somehow screwed up the base in my final render of the winning pose. That was lack of attention to detail when it really counted. I was a bit rushed at the very end but still, that is a pretty lame excuse. I had this more or less done way early.

    I wanted to thank everybody who posted in my thread. I got more out of this comp than I expected. I learned a lot. Next time out I will do my high poly first. I really have a lot more respect for everybody here in the community, seeing as so many folks put in such effort and improved. The result was such outstanding work. It was great to see exactly how much better other folks could do than me with the same resources.

    I think next time I will be able to do much better in less time, but then that is the point of learning! Thanks again everybody. It was a great experience.
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