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Polycount - Generals - Pestibug (squatedbug)

polycounter lvl 19
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squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
I roar from the grave to be amongst these fine men again and kicketh the asses of CGchat silly!


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • EarthQuake
    w00t for the resurection of the pesticles!
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    Ah, it's good to be back kids, and then to play with our new little friends aswell laugh.gif Such fun, such fun!

    Anyway, update, I will post more wip shots from earlier at teh start of this project, but for now, concept and wip shot.

    Going to do the normalmaps goodness on this one. 's good practise and fun to be workign on, heavy wip of course, so everythign is mirrored and unwelded and underdetailed etc. etc. Just to show where I am going with this. Now the pics!

    (these are kindly hosted by Narusol)
    general_concept.jpg concept

  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Excellant start! I love the combination of cloth, roman looking armour and robotness smile.gif. What's he going to be wielding in that large hand?
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    well, the hand is just temp, there will be a robotic arm, but he is just going to be wielding a sword. He is a general after all, not some grunt that stands in the heat of the battle.

    Maybe he'll get a small pistol or something.

    But for now I see him holdign a sword and banner kind of thing.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18


    I like where you're going so far, so...pesti smile.gif beware of the big boots pioriness !
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    you're damn right we needed some pestibug juice on our side!

    i was a little iffy about the drawing since it seems a little cartoonier than the brief seems to allow for, but you've cleared any doubts with the model shot. interested to see how you handle the materials on this guy... i'll be watching! smile.gif
  • Cubik
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    Cubik polycounter lvl 18
    Are those tubes belonging to some kind of gasmask? You might want to beef them up and add some mass to the holes where they are attached to the body. It all looks a bit too fragile right now, I sure wouldn't want to stake my life on them. Will be very interesting to see how you handle the cloth drapes, seems like a pain in the ass to rig properly.
    Nice, hard edges all around, looking like a robot should.
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    Thnx all, glad to be back and put in my bit for the good cause. laugh.gif

    Vahl, I will post the uodated concept soon, the big boots will be bandaged, like the WW1 soldiers had.

    Gauss, my concepts always turn out toony, that's just my way of workign when I do a really quick doodle, usually in 3D it all turns out alright again.

    Cubik, Yeah the tubes are for a gasmask, right now it all looks very iffy because it's just 2 days worth of work (not even) so everything you see here is pretty much in the rough stages.

    Of course, this guy will be normalmapped, so thank god no rigging of the cape smile.gif

    Everyone, thanks a lot for making me feel right at home laugh.gif
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet start dude, this'll be awesome. If you are going to do the rigging youself, I'd be glad to help you if you need some help. The cape could work really sweet with some soft constrained bones (automated fall off / follow through in the rig). Shouldn't be too hard to setup. I'd suggest to check out some roman costumes / war armor, it might provide you with some cool ideas or small features that add that extra little touch of coolness to your model. Keep updating buddy! smile.gif
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    Alright, updates. Starting fromt he very first step till the way it is now.

    So, right now, I guess i'm at 50% of the highpoly model, after that, lowpoly and normalmap baking goodness laugh.gif No idea how i'm going to get this working, but well, we'll see. So far having tons of fun with this guy.















  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Well, that's an absolutely stunning bit of modeling there Pesti, and nice to see it done the ol' fashioned way too smile.gif Really beautiful, intricate stuff. About the design, I preferred the slightly larger helmet plume in the sketch. I love the Roman influence too, but also, just to be really super anal, the higher ranking soldiers ( i.e centurions and above ) used to have their plume at 90 degrees ;-P. But whatevers, it's not a Roman soldier! Awesome stuff.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    micro pinkys rule!!!!!

    really nice on the details. you have more patience than me, thats for sure.
  • squatedbug
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    squatedbug polycounter lvl 19
    Thnx for the kind words all smile.gif

    Daz: He will still have his plume, right now there's just the base where it will fit into. I will have to google some pics of helmets to check out those plumes.

    Arshlevon: I SWEAR I didn't rip off yer pinky wink.gif I just now browsed and saw your entry, wicked stuff. The pinkies, well, it just shows we know what's 'cool' laugh.gif

    Ah well, I think this will be the last model I'll do the ol' fashion way. I never really tried Zbrush, and as far as I have, the interface really does revolt me. But, I guess I gotta move with the times and get on top of things again.
    Time to slap Pior till he teaches me how to use it properly!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    This is a strong entry. I like the Greek/Roman influence to the design. His face reminds me of a duck. Keep at it!
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    yay some great pestiness there !!! really cool to see you working on that mate smile.gif good start too ^^
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    wow, you've been hard at work on this already, thats impressive. I hope you make the cape blown open for your final renders smile.gif
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