3 pages down to find this post. Our battle line is certainly strong. Anyway after much thought I believe something a little theological might be the way I shall go with this. No concept yet, but I've got a decent background forming with which to inspire one. here goes:
4000 years. 4000 years of pitched battle against the so called forces of 'Good' come to this. Standing sword raised at the head of this slavering rabble, this putrescent scum of the galaxy. How sweet an irony that the abomination to crush these 'Goodly' forces be one of their own creation.
I am the product of the forced union between my human mother and a Grigori - a fallen angel by the name of Arakiba. He perished, along with almost every other living thing on that pitiful planet, in the Deluge summoned up by the 'Good', so desperate were they to cleanse its surface of our infernal kind. Those few angelic half-castes, Nephilim, that survived the flood were hunted mercilessly by the 'Good'. Entire cities were obliterated by fire and brimstone, entire populations slaughtered, transmogrified into pillars of salt, if our presence was so much as rumoured. I myself was caught in one of these conflagarations, the boiling salt leaving much of my body flayed, never to heal, and took my wings. My wings. A hundred thousand heroes have fallen under my blade. I have carpeted the ground with evicerated angels and seraphim from Cocytus to Emyprean and still I take payment in blood for my wings.
And so here I stand, commanding my own piece of all that is evil, as they would have it. I am Seth, last of the Nephilim and before this twisted soul is sent to freeze eternally in the darkness of the ninth circle, I'm going to bloody the nose of God himself.
Say what you will about Christianity. It can be great source material for this sort of thing.
Hopefully I'll be able to pull together a good strong concept with all that effort gone into working out who he is. I'm going to have to be a little careful to avoid ending up with a character thats too much like Quake 3's Uriel.
5 Pages down now. Must be time for some sort of update...
Here's what i've got so far, such as it is. Proportions are a bit whack but I'm not overly worried about that at this stage. What I do need some advice on is an art style for his gear. I'd like to give him some fairly ornate armour but am not sure exactly what time period the ornamentation should be based around. Byzantine seems like the logical one but going through google theres no designs that really strike me as inherantly Byzantine unless I stick a picture of Jesus on his shoulder pad which doesn't quite seem apropriate.
Any suggestions on either aspects of Byzantine art that I could utilise or a more apropriate style for what I'm doing? I'd like to steer clear of the Gothic thing if I can as its a bit standard issue.
I probably should add a sword to the concept somewheres, too.
Ive just uploaded my Generals inspiration folder If you want to check it out for ideas ( 16 meg ). It's mainly generals through the ages, but there's a lot of other stuff thrown in there: www.daz-art.com/Generals_ref.zip
The face is definitely something I'll be doing some more design work on. At the moment I'm thinking it'll be scarred and blistered from the salt with some sort of phantom of the opera typed mask on top. Whether this actually works remains to be seen.
One step closer. I'm trying to keep the armour design simple and practical with a little ornamentation as mark of office. I'm quite pleased with it so far.
I modelled up the basic head (minus scarring) at work today. Will have a picture up tomorrow.
I'm having some trouble coming up with a decent firearm design, so if anyone has any suggestions/references I'd be grateful. Guns really aren't my forte.
Very nice detail in that armor. Good back story. Keep the same attention to details throughout the design, and this will be a nice angel of death for the dark forces. If you plan on using your original concept above, I wouldn't place too much attention to the wings.
The proportions are probably a bit out but thats essentially what skeletal birds wings look like. I'll make sure the lengths and angles are closer to the real thing when I come to do the model.
Speaking of which, heres the head I promised last night.
The ears are a bit manky, but at this stage I think they'll be covered by hair anyway so they're probably alright for my purposes.
EDIT:I've come up with an idea for the wings. One so obvious I feel kinda dumb not picking up on it earlier. I'll use one of the skeletal wings as a banner pole. The other I think I'll have snapped off a little way along the first bone. With this considered, I think I'll redesign the weapon into something a bit more big, chunky and melee orientated. I guess that'll mean the vulture will probably have to find a new place to roost...
EDIT AGAIN:This looks like it'll work ok...
Fear my awesome drawing skillz.
Well, the head looks OK, but hard to judge without seeing what look and feel you're going for ( and that isn't really defined in your sketch ) i.e age, attitude, look. It feels a little like you sat down and Zbrushed totally from your head, which is cool, but it'll be really tough to come up with something realistic that way.
Strange as it may sound, I usually have a picture of a face in my mind, and instead of just modeling that face from that blurred picture, I'll seek out a face ( perhaps an actor for example ) that I think is close, and use that for basic bonestructure ref. etc.
Rolling along with another crappy progress shot.
Worst unwrap in the history of the world, but it looks like it works ok. Armour is object space too, which doesn't help.
I do intend to take Daz' critique into account when I take the head back into ZBrush for further detailing with scarring and so forth.
I seem to be drifting very much towards space marine which is something I wanted to avoid. Not sure what do do about that really...
I'm not really happy about the overall design. If anyone has an inclination, it'd be nice to get someone who has some 2d drawing skills and a little more imagination than I can summon up to tweak out this concept a bit.
A new direction courtesy of Gauss (props)
Theres a lot to like about it, but its got me thinking about a few new ideas so I'll be putting my own spin on it.
I really need to get going on this model so this'll do for now I think. I've moved away from the original concept and background (I'll go back to it when I don't have such a tight deadline). I've got a few more vague ideas about talon-like augmentation for his hands and I'll change the griffin vulture to a turkey vulture in order to match the red-faced mask design. I've got a few ideas about the vignette too.
Theres a chance I might just toss these in and go with Guass' unmodified concept. I'll see what happens.
EDIT: After some discussion with Guass on his original ideas for this piece I think I'll go for a mask somwhere between his design and mine - the scavenged feel of Guass's mask fits with the rest of the armour built from bits and pieces. I've really gotta get this concept nailed down and start modelling.
Hi, friend. I'm not gonna lie to you-- You've not managed to improve upon the concept. I guess maybe next time bang out the concept on your own and it will not look quite so odd. I'd really encourage you to go back to gauss' work from the start. Really.
Yeah I agree. I probably shouldn't post up these half thought out/half finished concepts. I've done lots of bouncing back and forth, redrawn and redesigned quite a bit since that particular version. I believe what I've got now is more to my liking and should make for a decent model. I might post up some new pictures of the model later
4000 years. 4000 years of pitched battle against the so called forces of 'Good' come to this. Standing sword raised at the head of this slavering rabble, this putrescent scum of the galaxy. How sweet an irony that the abomination to crush these 'Goodly' forces be one of their own creation.
I am the product of the forced union between my human mother and a Grigori - a fallen angel by the name of Arakiba. He perished, along with almost every other living thing on that pitiful planet, in the Deluge summoned up by the 'Good', so desperate were they to cleanse its surface of our infernal kind. Those few angelic half-castes, Nephilim, that survived the flood were hunted mercilessly by the 'Good'. Entire cities were obliterated by fire and brimstone, entire populations slaughtered, transmogrified into pillars of salt, if our presence was so much as rumoured. I myself was caught in one of these conflagarations, the boiling salt leaving much of my body flayed, never to heal, and took my wings. My wings. A hundred thousand heroes have fallen under my blade. I have carpeted the ground with evicerated angels and seraphim from Cocytus to Emyprean and still I take payment in blood for my wings.
And so here I stand, commanding my own piece of all that is evil, as they would have it. I am Seth, last of the Nephilim and before this twisted soul is sent to freeze eternally in the darkness of the ninth circle, I'm going to bloody the nose of God himself.
Say what you will about Christianity. It can be great source material for this sort of thing.
Hopefully I'll be able to pull together a good strong concept with all that effort gone into working out who he is. I'm going to have to be a little careful to avoid ending up with a character thats too much like Quake 3's Uriel.
Here's what i've got so far, such as it is. Proportions are a bit whack but I'm not overly worried about that at this stage. What I do need some advice on is an art style for his gear. I'd like to give him some fairly ornate armour but am not sure exactly what time period the ornamentation should be based around. Byzantine seems like the logical one but going through google theres no designs that really strike me as inherantly Byzantine unless I stick a picture of Jesus on his shoulder pad which doesn't quite seem apropriate.
Any suggestions on either aspects of Byzantine art that I could utilise or a more apropriate style for what I'm doing? I'd like to steer clear of the Gothic thing if I can as its a bit standard issue.
I probably should add a sword to the concept somewheres, too.
Thanks for the link Daz.
I modelled up the basic head (minus scarring) at work today. Will have a picture up tomorrow.
I'm having some trouble coming up with a decent firearm design, so if anyone has any suggestions/references I'd be grateful. Guns really aren't my forte.
Speaking of which, heres the head I promised last night.
The ears are a bit manky, but at this stage I think they'll be covered by hair anyway so they're probably alright for my purposes.
EDIT:I've come up with an idea for the wings. One so obvious I feel kinda dumb not picking up on it earlier. I'll use one of the skeletal wings as a banner pole. The other I think I'll have snapped off a little way along the first bone. With this considered, I think I'll redesign the weapon into something a bit more big, chunky and melee orientated. I guess that'll mean the vulture will probably have to find a new place to roost...
EDIT AGAIN:This looks like it'll work ok...
Fear my awesome drawing skillz.
Strange as it may sound, I usually have a picture of a face in my mind, and instead of just modeling that face from that blurred picture, I'll seek out a face ( perhaps an actor for example ) that I think is close, and use that for basic bonestructure ref. etc.
Worst unwrap in the history of the world, but it looks like it works ok. Armour is object space too, which doesn't help.
I do intend to take Daz' critique into account when I take the head back into ZBrush for further detailing with scarring and so forth.
I seem to be drifting very much towards space marine which is something I wanted to avoid. Not sure what do do about that really...
I'm not really happy about the overall design. If anyone has an inclination, it'd be nice to get someone who has some 2d drawing skills and a little more imagination than I can summon up to tweak out this concept a bit.
Theres a lot to like about it, but its got me thinking about a few new ideas so I'll be putting my own spin on it.
I really need to get going on this model so this'll do for now I think. I've moved away from the original concept and background (I'll go back to it when I don't have such a tight deadline). I've got a few more vague ideas about talon-like augmentation for his hands and I'll change the griffin vulture to a turkey vulture in order to match the red-faced mask design. I've got a few ideas about the vignette too.
Theres a chance I might just toss these in and go with Guass' unmodified concept. I'll see what happens.
EDIT: After some discussion with Guass on his original ideas for this piece I think I'll go for a mask somwhere between his design and mine - the scavenged feel of Guass's mask fits with the rest of the armour built from bits and pieces. I've really gotta get this concept nailed down and start modelling.