This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
oh wait... I see it... it's not the same tho
yeah i forgot to update the texture, should be fixed now
heres the wire:
OMG, Tennis you fail, you could be saving 8 whole tris on that cargo truck. . .
tumerboy said something, and (wise-ass as i am) i had to check for myself :P. so i made a little paint over to see how many tris you'd get if entirely optimized. turns out to become 104 tris then. that would save 14 tris total :O.
hope it helps! (or that you can tell me why you did it this way
tennis paintover
Vitor, I don't think those cuts are being used for texture space, so they are ENTIRELY WASTED! HA HA HA HA! Awesome work Tennis :P
i always have the DS in mind when doing lowpoly stuff and the DS treats quads the same as a tri (1 quad counts as 1 tri) so sometimes it makes more sense to keep everything as quads.
also keep in mind that if you dont have texture correction, as alot of mobile games doesn't, then the texture would slide around if you optimize too much.
if i've wasted a few tris then meh...
Blah this probably doesn't make sense, anyway.
ref image
I will tell you, tho, that you could probably unwrap that to make better use of the little UV space you've got. The 'roof' of the arch has way more texture space than the front, and the way it's curving like that you'll end up with a lot of distortion. It would be better to rip the roof off, keep it straight and make it smaller on the layout to make more room for the front of the building, since that's the part that will need the most detail. You'll be able to get the windows around the roof on there easier as well.
Just my two cents.
That sunken stair place ... the shadow part is a mindfuck X_x
Highlights hint that it pops up
That´s some M.C Escher grade stuff right there.
It exports your UVs as a PATH layer in photoshop (Using it w/ Maya 8.5, havn't tried it w/ 2008 yet...) Just googled it, it it seems Polycount has a tread about it
Also, another plugin I like, "ATR" It bridges Maya & Photoshop. Texture in PS, then hit F12 (I think) & it refreshes your texture in Maya. SO awesome (from Highend 3d):
Hope that helps.
I guess the source is recognizeable
That works pretty well, despite the stretching.
671 tris, 128x64 texture
Elementrix: If the glow in front of the fire is a separate texture you should definitely animate that with the fire. Looks awesome!
Imagine and a 3d world version of the pixel tower, where you can make structures in little digital plots. no prebuilt parts all hand made.
sure!, here they are:
I have the ground texture as an extra 16x16 texture so it can tile:P
(I got the texture's from a tileset I found on the internet)
uploaded a demo of my new engine (flash):
it uses a custom format and as far as I know a unique new way rendering the model because I can skip almost 1/2 of the triangles by calculating quads or ngons at once (texture maps supported on that as well). If I combine this with backface culling I need to render just a 1/4th or 1/5th of the faces I´d have to deal with in a regular engine. This gets even better with the screen clipping and once done the grid clipping.
To analyze my models for this technique I wrote some maxscript tools helping creating the poly- tiles:
freak *G*
I'm interested to know what your new technique is. Is it just that you don't bother triangulating planar ngons (which software rasterisers can handle fine), or is something clever going on?
So the way textures get transformed right now is Affine. Most engines in Flash work that way- but unlike in perspective engines I dont have to deal with seams.
Its like the skew transform in applications such as Illustrator, Freehand, Flash ect. combined with rotations and scale transforms.
Btw. this was my first concept
but as it stands now it works even for faces with more than 4 sides and non parallel edges. In practical terms this means I can just model in quads and keep them as they are- If I really want to optimize I can remove edges from flat surfaces.
Depth sorting has some flaws yet but it works for 95%+ of the practical tests I did. Also some next steps include mixing depth sorting with billBoards so that I can place pre-rendered sprites within the scene.
thx for the interest
immer wieder gut zu sehn wenn sich hier was tut, tolle arbeiten!