anyone have some goals?
This year it's to;
1. speak Japanese a bit better,
2. learn Director 3d properly,
3. understand rigging fully in 3dsmax,
4. learn more PHP / database nonsense,
5. do more "real world" community stuff with my free time,
6. procrastinate less,
7. read a manga or two a month. In Japanese.
oh and to earn enough money to keep myself alive.
anyone else been thinking about what they'd like to get done in work, love and life?
1) get my work to a high standard (mainly textures, mats and life drawing)
2) get into a studio (game or film)
3) move to leeds
4) run the london marathon (I like dreaming)
5) infiltrate neds batcave
2. quit my job
3. go back to school
4. get my site off the ground
5. finish some art
6. learn to rig and uv a lot, lot better, like a lot a lot
7. triple the size of my pecs and double the size of my triceps and whatever that damn muscle that connects your shoulder to your back so I can get rid of the cave man thing I've got going here(half way there already).
2. Start looking for a 'real' job.
3. Move to a new city. (hopefully that comes with #2)
4. Conquer the world.
2. Procrastinate less
3. Master rigging and Animation
4. Procrastinate less
5. Improve my modeling, texturing and drawing/painting skills
6. get laid more often.
7. Procrastinate less
8. Get a proper job (or some good freelancing gigs.)
2. Get some solid pieces that represent my current skill level completed
3. Get my game project to beta
4. Buy and learn ZBrush
5. Improve the speed of my texture work
6. Improve my use of the Max curve editor
7. Get healthier
2. Lose some weight
3. Write more
4. Do more animation
5. Draw until figure work doesn't look like ass
6. Unless it's good ass
7. Get back into fencing
So yeah, that all pretty much boils down to "Procrastinate Less"
2. Update my portfolio
3. lose last 70lbs and look sexified
4.visit more of Europe.
5.Become a better person.
My goals:
-I will make a portfolio website displaying at least 6 of my 'done' models within two months
-Ill register and get my own domainname and hosting within one month
-Take about 5 hours a week to experiment with flash and website creation
-Do at least 100 push ups a day(50 after breakfast, 50 before the evening shower)
-Swim at least 2 KM a week
-Run at least 20 KM a week
(I do triathlons, but im kinda slacking off on my training)
-Dont get a girlfriend for the next 3 months(just broke up with the last one, dont want all that sh*t anymore
-Hang out with my friends at least twice a week(@school not included
-Have a max. of 20 drinks when I go out(I was pissed the last time, and the time before that)
2. remain a non-smoker
3. rid myself of this excess weight (by april 23)
2: Finish all the decent unfinished art - include in portfolio. before 60 days
3: Quit drinking a 12pack of Soda a day. ASAP
4: Adopt a more normal sleep schedule. Once folio is done!
6: Be more responsible & proactive (ie: Procrastinate less)
2: get application off to grad school(s)
3: get accepted to grad school
4: quit Wal-Mart
5: make it to 60 with my NightElf Hunter
-Finally get around to doing some of my hobbies. (starting an indie game, picking up some extra skills)
-Get some house renovations done (like the stupid bathroom that has been non-functional for almost a year and a rail around the front steps that are a deathtrap)
-Spend more time enjoying life than worrying about it. =]
2) Hopefully expand the mini-mod into a Total Conversion.
3) Dodge any legal bear traps that would keep me from making the mod of my dreams.
4) FInd an easier way to update my portfolio site, so I can make updates more fequently.
5) Update my portfolio with all the new projects I have been working on.
6) Do more painting.
7) Work with maya more...
2. save money
3. keep working out everyday
4. spend quality time with the fam
-Spend more time enjoying life than worrying about it. =]
[/ QUOTE ]
2. Redesign/streamline portfolio site.
3. Get more solid, next-gen fully finished characters in aforementioned portfolio.
4. Get a good studio job.
5. Spend more time with my girlfriend.
2. Find some cute asian girl to bang
3. Download more porn
-stop fucking procrastinating on my art
-play games less, work on models more and finally have something to pimp again
-talk my gf into having a 3-way with me, her, and one of her hot friends (female of course
I'll think of more later... Tomorrow...
So I went from almost 2 packs a day to absolutely none overnight. I don't really feel any healthier and I haven't had any cravings whatsoever but knowing I'm saving £50 every week is quite cool. Of course, on Jan 20th 2007 when the year is up I won't take their money.
2. Keep quit of smoking (although without the protective layer of tar I now have a crappy chest cold)
2. Run 1 mile one days I don't lift.
3. Release a new version of Alien Arena 2006, fixing a multitude of sins.
4. Write a global stats program.
5. Re-organize my code for work.
6. Do a few new character models.
7. Make Blender the only modeling tool I need to use.
8. Tell my wife I love her everyday and make her feel like the most special, beautiful woman in existence.