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FREE Halo 1-2 Toys (new)

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
My old boss is leaving town to move to LA. He can't fit much. Thus the Halo toys he got for a toy sculpting job, wont be going. So he has charged me with getting rid of them. Before I try selling them in Ebay, I rather let some REAL fans who will appreciate these have first dibs for free.

So anyone here can have them as long as they reimburse me for shipping (unless your local in Seattle).

Again, real fans. Not someone who knows the value of X and Y and can market them right on ebay for a tidy profit.

No pictures or names yet. Just PM if you have a interest (and I want proof that you are a fan, so send a pic of your collection). Oh, and no 1 post wonders. Someone who has at least 20 posts on polycount.


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