Just saw this on penny-arcade, could be fake, but it doesn't seem too unlikely either:
We received the following from a young man who we will call "Mr. Smith."
Hey guys,
I interviewed for a guerilla marketing business in San Francisco that targeted web forums.
I was told that if I accepted the job, I was to have at LEAST 50 identities on as many forums as I could muster (they wanted 100 eventually), with a goal of 5 posts an hour. The posts had to be well thought out, and the idea was that I was to establish multiple identities with a history on the forums, so that when the timing was right a well written but subtly placed marketing post could be finessed in. And regular visitors would recognize the post as coming from a long time poster.
They had 12 people working there full time, and were hiring 10 more. You do the math. No wait, I'll do it for you: that's 880 posts a day (if minimum was met). However he said the better ones could do around 8 or 10 an hour. And they had different "verticals" so there was the sports guy, and the games guy, the hentai, excuse me I mean anime guy, etc.
But the most critical point was this: develop and integrate the identity. No random "HEY EB GAMES IS AWESOME BUY THIS" stuff.
Kinda spooky.
Didn't take the job. It was a fucking mill.
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Reveal yourselves

(hmmm, starship troopers game anyone

sad to say but my old company did this
The great thing about art forums is that you know who is who because the real people post solid critiques/work and post on the technical forums.
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I forgot to mention I landed a new job in San Fran I started today!
I believe thats more Virul marketing.
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No, Viral marketing is when you create some sort of content that is secretly an advertisement, but is presented as something else (like a funny internet video). What makes it "viral" marketing is that it spreads like a virus by people passing the link to each other through email or web forums or word-of-mouth. An example would be Burger King's "subservient chicken" website.
Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that seek to exploit pre-existing social networks to produce exponential increases in brand awareness, through viral processes similar to the spread of an epidemic. It is word-of-mouth delivered and enhanced online;
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Undercover marketing is shown to be a type of viral.
Undercover marketing is a subset of guerrilla marketing where the consumer doesn't realize they're being marketed to. For example, a marketing company might pay an actor or socially adept person to use a certain product visibly and convincingly in locations where target consumers congregate.
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This is all from answers.com/wikipedia.
PSP. It's like cheese you can listen to outside.
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And this is called Pointless Marketing.
Its like saying a citrus tree when your talking about an orange.
No big deal.
Reveal yourselves
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HAHA I've been waiting 7 years under deep cover to finally plug Starship Troopers! My first model was a warrior bug (never completed) and I do like the game since it hasn't taken too big of a technical dump on my machine but it's sad that Empire is shutting down support for it so quick out of the gate
There's enough companies for that, and they're not necessarily hiding or anything.