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Aeteryst Online need you!

polycounter lvl 17
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Huberg polycounter lvl 17
I am currently running a game project named Aeteryst Online. We need more programmers and modelers. Those who interested u can contact devteam@reonyx.net or visit our webpage www.reonyx.net



  • Huberg
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    Huberg polycounter lvl 17
    Name: Aeteryst
    Perspection: 3D
    Type: MMORPG
    3D Software: Alias Maya & 3D Studio Max
    Game Engine: 3D Game Studio A6 Pro Edition

    Storyline(for demo version and version one):
    There were a few races which live peacefully together which is human, orc, elf, hidt, dwaft, piro, vinorus and goblin. Until one day, an evil wizard appear and try to take over the world. He summoned 60 thousand evil monsters and devils to attack all the races on the earth. Thousands of army from different races dead causing by this cruel battle.

    One day, a 8 heros from the 8 races appeared and tried to bastard the evil wizard. When they almost kill the wizard, a group of knight of zerox(dragon like human), attack the heroes. Zerox knight were very strong and they almost killed the heroes. Suddently one word was inverted into the heroes mind - suidcide. They all rushing toward the wizard with their remained energy, then they caught the wizard's arms, and shout together: "Ayonaa-diraggnen-petiswaa!!..." The surrounding suddently become so quiet... and everything stopped. The evil wizard were dead, and as well as the brave heroes.

    The death of evil wizard make worse in this story. The evil monsters were spread everywhere since they don't know how to go back to where they belongs. Devils start to attack the races and some of them disguise into the races look. They tried to spoil the relationship between those races and finally, it really happen. The races were fight with each other. There were no more peaceful on the earth.

    One day, a princess named Aeteryst who belongs to human rushed into the battle between the races and shouted: "STOP!!..." The army cannot stop their steps and accidently killed the princess.

    Suddently, an angel appearand brought Aeteryst's soul to the heaven. The angel told the races: "Don't worry, Aeteryst will be stay at heaven forever and become one of the angel. And you all, stop fightning with each other. This will become your lesson. Remember that."
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    1. Can A6 even handle MMO?
    2. That looks like a story, not a gameplay concept. Will this play ANY different than say, Everquest or World of Warcraft?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    8 heros from the 8 races appeared and tried to bastard the evil wizard.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sounds painful.
  • Huberg
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    Huberg polycounter lvl 17
    Yes, A6 did support multiplayer and also mysql database data transfer for createing a mmorpg. And, every games will have it's own storyline. That's why i wrote that story.


    Now my team is still small, and we need more 3d modeler. Anyone who willing to help can contact us devteam@reonyx.net or visit our website www.reonyx.net
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The problem with a storyline is that it says nearly nada about the gameplay. What kind of game are you trying to make? Just another Everquest clone that won't stand a chance against WoW or are you trying something new?
  • Huberg
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    Huberg polycounter lvl 17
    gameplay is another thing. gameplay system normally have to depends to the programmers's skills first before making decision.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    No, gameplay is ALWAYS planned before everything else. You can't make stuff up as you go along. That kind of development direction wouldn't attract many good artists...
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    It's not only games, every single piece of software goes through a looong planning phase before it's implemented. Plus, programmers have to be turing complete, i.e. if it's possible at all they have to be able to do it. If they can't they suck.
  • Downsizer
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    Downsizer polycounter lvl 18
    Step one, complete design document.
    Step two, let us know when and if you finish.

    I'll give you the same link I give every other 'budding' developer:

    You will NEVER attract artistic OR programming talent unless you can lead others on what to create. You cant just say 'Ok Mr programmer I want an MMORPG, go make it.' Does'nt work.
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