Hi guys I have couple questions regarding normal mapping, please help me out. I build this low poly model to test out normal mapping, first I build the model in maya, lay out the UVs and imported it into zbrush. I added some details using zbrush and I used zmapper to generate a normal map for me. I then bring the normal map into maya, applied it to the model and this is the result I have, as you can see there is a really noticeable seam along border edge of the UVs, also the normal on the right arm of the character seems to be inverted, it was suppose to look the same as the left arm.

Another question is about rendering in maya, I'm not really familiar with metal ray render but I heard so many good things about JS_Normalmap mental ray shader for rendering normal map so I decided to DL it and give it a try and here is a picture of the result I have. Seems like I have some really weird shading going on with the render, did I missed to adjust some options inside metal ray? or is there a better way to render normal map objects in maya?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
That should fix the weird shading, but with regards to seams, I'm not sure - that may be something to do with the way ZBrush outputs normal-maps, but I haven't got enough experience in that area to say for sure.
Our AD discovered that maya doesnt handle normal map seams very well and draws problems where other renderers draw none.
I'm no maya expert so...I cant be sure. I hope that helps.